
There are plenty of reasons to despise this filth ridden city. What bothers you most?

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11 of 11 people agree with this  

  Anonymous wrote:

I met some germans on my travels. They stank. Yet swam and still stank. I think this comes down to the type of food they are eating.

9 of 9 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Nope. If you don’t shower, swimming in the sea or in a lake doesn’t clean you. I know, I come from a country full of beaches. They don’t shower

7 of 7 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

I mean, it does clean you, but the body odor comes back fast. You need that soap, stinky germans

8 of 8 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

One time I visited the Berlin Mietverein because my Nebenkostenabrechnung was wrong and the guy started looking at all my costs and said something like "Wow your water use sure is high! I have two children and mine is lower, but then again my kids go swimming in our pool a lot in summer". I think these knuckle draggers really think swimming is a substitute for bathing.

1 of 1 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

They are robots programmed just for one thing: sparen. Water is expensive, so their robot indicators go to the maximum.

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8 of 8 people agree with this  

  Anonymous wrote:

People smoking from aluminum foil on the stairs to the U8. Seriously? Neukölln is a dump.

8 of 9 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

But it can be used as a tin foil hat afterwards. Practical.

9 of 9 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

also, they have colonised Gneisenaustr / the Markthalle there around Bergmannstr. And this milieu is growing and growing every year. Police were circulating this neighbourhood regularly recently and vans parked opposite the Market hall - with the police looking at the paying customers... why?! Why don"t they focus on solving this homless/drug-addicted/unhygienic crowd which is poluting the area. Kids are playing around there and those working just want to enjoy their lunch... but instead have to smell rotting flesh... be begged at... then made to feel guilty for not supporting their drug habit... not to mention the danger of needles/drug paraphernalia. I get this isn't something with a quick-fix solution to solve it overnight, and I have pity but I also question why this is allowed to happen. Oh... and I just wanna get to WORK (remember this concept), why do I have to dodge the crazies like gladiators... fearing some nutter is going to push me onto the tracks. BVG... install barriers... why does public transport mean second class in this city. In UK or other places that just is not the case. All professionals I know do not use public transport anymore and that seems a pity as the traffic will increase... and it is less eco etc etc. Anyway two rants for the price of one here!

4 of 4 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Someone has to speak up for the truth here. Kreuzkölln is bad.

4 of 5 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

That's kind of what happens when you elect leftist politicians over and over and over.

4 of 4 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

I live in Neukölln. Cesspool

1 of 1 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Was it always this bad with the junkies?

6 of 6 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

to the person above ^^^ yes it was always this bad. years ago i lived in neukölln and you’d have hoards of junkies on the stairs to the subway. it was terrible.

7 of 7 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Yeah everything below alexanderplatz on u8 is a freaking ghetto. Junkies asleep with needles in their arms, homeless people f&cking in the train station, piles of vomit everywhere. Bloody tissues.

6 of 6 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

God so glad i dont live or work in that sh1thole. Its bad enough just visiting or passing through. Mind you east berlin isnt much better though slightly less druggies

3 of 3 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Less druggies and more Nazis. Berlin sucks everywhere

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7 of 7 people agree with this  

  Anonymous wrote:

Germans believe you can get a urinary tract infection from walking around barefoot on cold floors. What the fuck?

15 of 15 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

I wish someone told them that you can avoid many diseases simply by taking showers regularly.

9 of 10 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

And by not having casual sex with complete strangers.

6 of 6 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

And by showering after sex!!!!

7 of 7 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Keep dreaming. They don't even shower BEFORE sex.

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10 of 10 people agree with this  

  Anonymous wrote:

I’m trying to understand if expats just get broken from Berlin and start being as cold as the Germans when it comes to dating. I’d just like to connect with someone not have some trashy fuckinggg hookup. Seems like everyone feels this is laughable. Sorry what’s wrong with that ?

8 of 17 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

There is no point in having relationships nowadays. No wonder so many men are going MGTOW.

At best you get a used-up woman who has seen more sausage than the average urologist.
At worst you get the same woman, but she wants you to spend a small fortune on her.

12 of 12 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

yes i think its fair to say expats get broken by berlin. I am an idealistic person who can only be in love with one person at a time but this city has driven me to adapt and be on my guard.

10 of 10 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

and each hook up makes you want to kill yourself that little bit more

9 of 9 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

I can only agree with what you guys are saying. I think others need to be a bit more wary of who they decide to hook up with here. It seems that qualities/ideals like respect, empathy and building a connection to someone don't count for much these days, which is a shame. To be fair it's not just an issue here, but it does seem to be on another level here.

5 of 5 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

I often wonder if those lowlifes who walk around and utter "Sex?" EVER are successful?

0 of 3 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

if only it were that easy...

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  Anonymous wrote:


3 of 8 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Hating random men isn't going to make your dad stop being ashamed of you.

4 of 5 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

I haven’t seen seen as many sausages as the regular urologist, but darn sure the next man better spend a small fortune on me!
In 3 years here, haven’t have anyone wanting to dine and wine me aka. a regular normal date.

Sorry poor-future-boyfriend. You‘ll have to compensate for the attention, affection I lacked in Berlin. Thank you and love you!

2 of 5 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

That MGTOW incel insulting random women must be your dad and proud of you for defending his butt attitude. Get a grip. It's not about gender. It is Bumlin.

1 of 2 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:


3 of 5 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Trying to make an innocent man pay for your bad life decisions? Seems like something that would happen in Berlin.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Above, get a fricking sense of humor.
Dating is nice, being nice to your date is nice, doing old school things like dinner date and movie dates and bla, are nice.
Women like men who make an effort in the mating ritual.

You might get some with your beers-at-späti-hangouts, but probably an insecure/troubled/needy/depressed/in a weird phase etc. girl that might even suck you in a public toilet. You might win for the moment, but don’t complain getting women with no standards after.

Something that would happen in Berlin after a 2€ beer.
Being a stingy victimising innocent man is the local sport.

Real men treat women differently, but you would not know about that, I guess.

4 of 5 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

“Trying to make an innocent man pay for your bad life decisions?” Germans are MASTERS at this

3 of 3 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

I think I don't disagree with most of what you're saying, but don't punish a good man because you had to live with the scum of the earth in Berlin. Although if I ever get out of here I am only going to date extremely feminine, non-German-looking women so maybe I am the same as you. Who knows.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Anyone live in Kladow?

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11 of 11 people agree with this  

  Anonymous wrote:

Lol BH must be the only place in the world where the term “German” is being used as derogatory, as we accuse each other of being German when we don’t agree with them. I love it! Weiter so!

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21 of 21 people agree with this  

  Anonymous wrote:

Here is how to become German.

-Denounce religion while claiming that you are interested in Budhism.
-Dislike patriotism and nationalism simply because both are forbidden to you
-Travel a lot, but never learn any foreign language properly. Also never learn about foreign cultures and develop intercultural understanding.
-When you see a foreigner, avoid asking them about their day. Instantly ask where are they from, what they do in Germany and whether and when they plan on going back. The conversation is to be ended once you get enough answers for your racial profiling.
-Claim you have a lot of foreign friends so that no one can accuse you of being racist.
-Upload pictures of you feeding children in Asia or Africa to show how cultured you are. In real life, avoid Asians and African people unless you got a fetish
-Constantly denounce racism and far-right extremism while secretly considering non-Germans as inferior and passive-aggressively treating them as such.
-Complain about foreigners not wanting to integrate into German culture, even though you can't really define what German culture is because there hasn't been real German culture in decades. It is a carbon-copy of American pop culture.
-Demand foreigners to learn German while belittling them either for their accent or grammar mistakes.
-Be a feminist, but support the immigration of people who don't have any respect for women.
-Claim you are "green" and eco-friendly but your constant travelling by plane does more harm than not buying fair-trade products.
-Think you are cool because you listen to sh*tty indie bands no one cares about, sport dreadlocks, drink yerba mate, sport a nose ring (this is non-negotionable in Berlin), get inked.
-Complain about foreigners having a lot of children, while at the age of 40 you are already in your 4th open relationship.
-Obsess over tidiness and order, while neglecting your personal hygiene.
-Believe your country is rich, even though you work at a stressful job to earn barely 2000 euros, most of which you spend on rent. You, the citizen of a rich country, live in a tuna can, drive a second-hand car and will never own a house. House ownership is higher in Romania and Poland, countries you consider to be poor and/or inferior.
-Claim you have learned from the past, but secretly dislike Poles, Brits, the French, while adoring Spaniards and Italians.
-Dislike the USA, but travel to the USA and consume American media.
-Denounce Americans as racist and backward, in spite of the fact that non-white migrants often do a lot better in the USA than in Germany, where you are reduced to menial jobs and low social status. Besides, a lot of people dream of moving to the USA to become Americans. People who move to Germany end up either wanting to leave, or refusing to integrate.
-Be arrogant and rude, but pretend you are just honest and straightforward.
-Be too cold and robotic to connect with people, but pretend you are not into superficial connections.
-Think you are better than everyone else, even though you suck at winning wars.

10 of 10 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

SPOT ON. All I can say.

6 of 6 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Well said OP. I lived in Berlin and Eastern Germany and can relate to just about everything you say. I do have a minor disagreement as I would also add that I have an Italian friend who lived in Germany for 20 years and had to leave due to impacts on her mental well-being. She encountered people in Germany who would refuse to lease their apartments out to Italians (and other foreigners). Her and her husband (whom I regard as great people) spent nearly six months looking for an apartment. She now regrets having spent so long in Germany and getting so caught up in all the BS that us mere foreigners have to put up with.

5 of 5 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Thank you so much for these words. I really wish I would be able to have more contact with people who share the same views. I am very grateful for this platform!

6 of 6 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

This post describes those evil closet Nazis perfectly well. What you said is the truth of the situation here. Germans/Berliners have to be the worst group of human beings I have ever personally encountered. This city and the locals are just disgusting human beings, just trash. I don’t think they have ever heard of personal development either. I think if you meet a 40 or 50 year old German their personality would be the same when they were 20 years. These people don’t grow as human being at all. Don’t forget they will absolutely take advantage of you if giving the opportunity. I just freaking hate Germans and this fucking, nasty, drug induced city.

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15 of 15 people agree with this  

  Anonymous wrote:

It's pathetic how rude, lazy, unprofessional, and inefficient native Berliners are. The Berlin schnauze is not because of the weather or the alcoholism. I think the wall gave them some kind of mental complex. They never learned to compete and function in an open world. After it opened the good ones left, and the rest are doing their damnedest to grouch away all the outsiders. They want us to leave and they want to shut themselves off and wrap up again in a nice cozy wall.

8 of 8 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Where they’ll be forever told what to do and get paid from the nanny state. Just like in the ddr

4 of 4 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

It really is amazing how many Ossis actually believe that life was better "with fewer personal choices".

2 of 2 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Oasis? All Germans! Germany is the land of fewer personal choices. Yet they love it

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2 of 2 people agree with this  

  Anonymous wrote:

The Berlin guys kind of got it the right way with regards to just doing a job. But part of the job is for example like in service to actually provide service. I think they took that the wrong way (lol) And this might be a limited view I have no idea. But might make one more happy as for after the job. I mean if you do a poor job you're not gonna receive much or like the opposite. But Idk if that's true.

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8 of 9 people agree with this  

  Anonymous wrote:

Someone earlier sad that Poles also lived under commie Soviet rule, but they are much nicer than Germans, and it's true. I spent six months touring Poland last year and the food was great, the people very pleasant and the cities are beautiful. Also very cheap. Look up Retro Apartmenty in Poznan and go their for a weekend or long weekend, very cheap and lots of very good restaurants. I was surprised at how good Poland is, so don't be put off by he 0.01% of scummy alcoholic Poles in the U-Bahn, the other 99.99% in Poland are very different. If you want some tips about Poznan, let me know and I'll post them here. Make sure you have a burger at Mixtura.

2 of 3 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Poznan sounds cool. Any sightseeing tips?

4 of 5 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

I bet all the drunk Poles come to Berlin like a pilgrimage to Mecca.

7 of 8 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Poles who move to Germany are usually low-tier people.

3 of 4 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Poland is amazing. I spent one month there and the nature is really beautiful (just like Germany), but also the cities, the people and the food are awesome! I had so much fun in Poland. Lovely people

1 of 2 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

If you go to Poznan, get a bicycle straight away and ride along the river and also the Citadel Park. Make sure you eat eat eat, the food is great. I'm vegan and it's the best vegan food I've tasted, but I'm sure the meat places will also be good. If you want to try great vegan food go to www.happycow.net/europe/poland/poznan/ the best worldwide directory. I definitely recommend Wypas and also The old town is stunningly beautiful and don't be afraid to talk to locals, they are very helpful and pleasant. If you want wonderful nature, go south of Krakow. Poland is not about monstrous touristy attractions like the Eiffel Tower and Big Ben, it's more subtle, and very relaxed. Just walking around Poznan and getting a feel for the ambience is a treat. Another food place www.happycow.net/reviews/geranium-caffe-poznan-107709

Make sure you have a burger at Mixtura. Enjoy. Book in advance for cheap train tickets.

0 of 0 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Sounds lovely! Great info!

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10 of 10 people agree with this  

  Anonymous wrote:

Germany requires certain people coming to this country to complete a 600 hour (!) "integration course". Not sure what is taught there but using my common sense I would assume they teach you to just ignore anything you don't like, e.g. to ignore all the people peeing in public, all the rowdy drunks, the people getting attacked with bottles in the U-Bahn, etc.

1 of 1 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Nope - they try to prevent foreigners from becoming like that. Lol.

5 of 5 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Maybe they should teach the Germans already here to stop being like that.

9 of 9 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Here is how to become German:
-Denounce religion while claiming that you are interested in Budhism.
-Travel a lot, but never learn any foreign language properly.
-Claim you have a lot of foreign friends so that no one can accuse you of being racist.
-Constantly denounce racism and far-right extremism while secretly considering non-Germans as inferior and passive-aggressively treating them as such.
-Complain about foreigners not wanting to integrate into German culture, even though you can't really define what German culture is because there hasn't been real German culture in decades. It is a carbon-copy of American pop culture.
-Be a feminist, but support the immigration of people who don't have any respect for women.
-Claim you are "green" and eco-friendly but your constant travelling by plane does more harm than not buying fair-trade products.
-Think you are cool because you listen to sh*tty indie bands no one cares about, sport dreadlocks, drink yerba mate, sport a nose ring (this is non-negotionable in Berlin), get inked.
-Obsess over tidiness and order, while neglecting your personal hygiene.
-Believe your country is rich, even though you work at a stressful job to earn barely 2000 euros, most of which you spend on rent. You, the citizen of a rich country, live in a tuna can, drive a second-hand car and will never own a house.
-Claim you have learned from the past, but secretly dislike Poles, Brits, the French, while adoring Spaniards and Italians.
-Dislike the USA, but travel to the USA and consume American media.
-Be arrogant and rude, but pretend you are just honest and straightforward.
-Be too cold and robotic to connect with people, but pretend you are not into superficial connections.

5 of 5 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

I think you should repost the post above all by itself so people can give it thumbs up. Very astute.

2 of 2 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Lmao, thanks that saved me 599.9 hours.

2 of 2 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

I want to upvote 100000000 times.Yes that is Berliner.

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12 of 12 people agree with this  

  Anonymous wrote:

Some guy here keeps saying all the colleges are run by Marxists and leftists in Germany. I don't know if I would go that far, but I wanted to share a story from my time at a German university. We had a guest lecturer (actually she was a former student who was teaching staff and later started pursuing her PhD in England). This was for an Economics course at post graudate level. She gave us a lecture on German vs. British pension systems. She showed us data about average pension savings between the two countries. She was contrasting privitised vs. public pensions. The data clearly showed the average Brit had something like 3x the amount saved but she was non-stop criticising UK's system. Bo one in my course seemes to notice this huge lapse in logic. So I was the only person to specifically ask her. And the thing is, she acted like she had never even considered that more pension = better. In fact, she completely tried to dismiss my comment by saying "Sure, maybe they have more saved but they don't understand what financial products they own".

Again, this was supposed to be a masters level course. Not only was her entire understanding of the system obviously incorrect and based on a weird socialist indoctrination, but no one in my course (mostly Germans) were capable of seeinf through it. It's like saying "Well of course people in UK are rich but they have to make all their own decisions". Germans are really not smart at all.

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11 of 12 people agree with this  

  Anonymous wrote:

I am so sad guys. You don't worship Germany but how can zis be? On ze news zey say me zat Germany is well loved renowned nation. Respected worldwide. Ve have 190 nations living in Berlin. Ve are so good to you. But you do not like us because we are German. I will now pretend to have human emotions. Why do you not love us? Because ve killed 6 million Jews? Because we invented communism that killed 200 million people worldwide? Because our government is overrun by pedophiles? Because Deutsche Bank is somehow behind every scandal on earth? Because Bayer and BASF were founded by nazis and continue to purposely kill minorities across the world? Because our politicians revealed a secret two class system when zey were given vaccines for Schweinflu 10 years ago that cost taxpayers 10.000 euro each? Because Germany still refuses to recognise non-EU certifications and obly acceptes EU certifications because the ECJ threatened us? Because Germany is so stingy and refuses over and over to offer help to southern Europe? Because ve vant to allow Russia to build Nord Stream 2 so Moscow vill be able to shut off our heat anytime Frau Merkel crosses Putin? Because oir women look like men and our men look like shit? Because we bathe only once a week to conserve vater and save our sensitive skin? Because our national sport is drinking beer and pissing in ze streets? Did you know Germany has more alcohol-related deaths than people killed by guns in Usa? Beer is so cool. Also do you hate us because Siemens did the 2nd biggest fraud of all time, which was only trumped by another German scandal from Wirecard? Do you hate us because we are a nation of little choldren who are collectively afraid of any commitment vhich is why ve never buy real estate, autos or anything that requires long-term planning and discipline? Do you hate us because we sell only pork meat here and everything else is overpriced? Do you hate us because Germans ruin everything from Hitler (yes he became a German citizen before death) to the Samwer Brothers who ruined Groupon? Do you hate us because German men (and even our man-women) are always doing stupid depraved crap on vacation like running through ze city naked, being naked on bormal beaches, being naked in normal bars, being naked in ze plane, etc.? Do you hate us because ve pretend ve have best education system on earth - so good zat ve cannot even charge money for it because everyone knows it is worthless? Are you mad because if you work here you vill end up paying 50% of your salary in taxes when you cobsider VAT, Rundfunkbeitrag, Solidaritätszuschlag, Kirschensteuer, Hundesteuer, Einkommensteuer, Kapitalzugewinnsteuer, etc.? Do you hate us because ve have worst free speech laws in Western world? Because it is illegal and fineable offense to say "fuck you krautberger" to me? Because all our news companies arr paid for and controlled by government? Because our gays are free to do sex in public spaces? Because our courts decide it is illegal to say "nazi schlampe" UNLESS you are saying it about a member of AFD? Because it is illegal to show ze Stinkefinger unless you are Bundespräsident? Because you can go to jail for selling toilet paper that says "Der Koran"? Because you can be sued for selling stickers with a symbol of someone throwing away a swastika? Because you can be sued for hurting someone's feeling by stating an uncomfortable TRUTH? Because our laws protect criminals more tham the victims? Because it is illegal for our newspapers to write stories with convicted murderers names even after they have served time in prison?

Is zat why you hate us? Well gueaa what! Schland schlnd schland. Ve are world champion du ausländer du nix ahahaha

6 of 6 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Loved this. The accent in text is a true talent.

9 of 10 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Chonny, is zat you? Spot on!

9 of 10 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Ve Er all Chonny becaUSse ve hav Kein personalitait

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  Anonymous wrote:

Opinion, please.
How do you react to this?

German person being nice, then being nasty, then somehow nice, but passive but victimising although was nasty, but now wants to be nice and acts friendly and polite etc.
Bottom line: The usual frustrating interaction.

Now I don’t want to be nasty myself, but I don’t want to let nasty fall on my head again.
Feel me here?

Me and this person ended a dry conversation on polite grounds, although there were some future plans and things we talked to do.

Now I have no clue. This person is completely silent, and I feel ridiculous to reach out and ask “hey, are you still going to help with that thing you offered to help?”

I wonder if this person would stick to it or just leave it.

I am so confused by these people and I am pretty sure I just confused also the people reading this with this confusing story.

If any of this makes sense to you, any kind advice on how you would proceed with this interaction?

Not sure if I want to, although. It’s just too exhausting.

8 of 8 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Germans never help with anything.

9 of 9 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Doch! They help you go insane.

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18 of 19 people agree with this  

  Anonymous wrote:

Rule one: Never be generous to a German, they will:
a) see it as a weakness.
b) wonder what you want in return.

Rule 2: Never expect a "thank you" from these weirdos.

Rule 3: Never lend any German in Berlin money and expect to see it again. If you lend it, just say goodbye to it.

Rule 4: Always be prepared for someone to ppiss in front of you around every corner, and someone to sshit in the street around every 4th corner. After a while it will seem normal.

Rule 5: Never feel compassion for the army of professional beggars on the U-Bahn, you are enabling them and you will suffer compassion fatigue very quickly and then you'll become indifferent and have feelings of futility.

Rule 6: One day you are going to wake up in fright when you realise you have become one of hem. At this point, you must leave Berlin as quick as possible, don' make the mistake of thinking "It must be me, it can't possibly be a whole city".

Rule 7: Only live on top floor apartments, otherwise the sound of people above you running around to get ready in the morning will drive you insane.
a) If you are not on the top floor, buy some BlueTak, tear off enough to mould into your ear, then cut a two square inch square piece of cling wrap, put the BlueTak in the middle and twist the wick of the cling wrap, then mould the BlueTak to fit snugly into your ear, this is he best way to block out he bass drum above your head, otherwise known as a wooden floor.

Rule 8: Make sure you eat at home as much as possible, eating out might seem cheap, but when you convert the currency, you'll find you are paying much more than you think. Only go out for a coffee etc to meet friends.

Rue 9: Remember, Berlin is made up of social retards and students who think they know everything because they have been brainwashed by peer pressure and Marxist Lefty professors at universities in Berlin.

Rule 10: This is the most important rule. Neve try to think you can crack the code of understanding Berliners and even hardened ex-pats. You will go crazy trying, it's like a web.

Rule 11: Print out these rules and read them every time you think you are going insane.

Good luck, you are going to need it.

6 of 6 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

A godsend and sooooo true

7 of 7 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Very well said. The Berlin hater commandments

1 of 1 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Hey, these are 10, too

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