
There are plenty of reasons to despise this filth ridden city. What bothers you most?

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  Anonymous wrote:

"Blablabla. Wir brauchen Fachkräfte und keine Asylanten, die sich hier nur ein schönes Leben machen wollen, ohne unsere Werte und Kultur zu respektieren. Schickt die, die hier sind, mal zum Arbeiten. Wir sind nicht auf Faulenzer und Schmarotzer angewiesen und schon gar nicht auf Messerkünstler und Vergewaltiger."

A 74 year old woman posted that message on Facebook some time ago and just got fined nearly 8K EUR for it. Does anyone really believe political change is possible in Germany when even extremely mild criticism such as above is made illegal? Is anyone without a law degree able to tell what is illegal speech and what is legal speech? Certainly doesn't seem so to me, and the chilling effect will be long and deep. Like all things, the Germans will continue to zealously pursue such nonsense until the tide changes and then they'll zealously pursue the exact polar opposite. This is not a mature country. It doesn't even think you can read the aforementioned quote without flying into a frenzy and attacking refugees.

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  Anonymous wrote:

It's the anglo-saxon mentality, Germany and UK have become hardcore against freedom of speech. Some folks in the eastern European parts are laughing but not so much when they get the same punishment when instead of talking sh!te about foreigners, they decide to criticise their fascist governments.

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  Anonymous wrote:

I think it was 2006 or so when Germany had a European president (or whatever the position is called, who really cares about these pseudo democracy honorifics) when they tried to use it as a platform to ban holocaust denial throughout the entire EU. Pretty sure Germans never knew what freedom of speech was at all. And to be fair most Germans don't have the IQ to handle it.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Anyway, I remember back then the UK had a spine (or maybe just a grudge from the war and the ability to see beyond first order effects) and said "eff off Krauts, Not gonna happen". Not even the same world today. Starmer would probably hold a press conference and cry about how it's so long overdue.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Nazi's gonna nazi - but the thing they nazi about will change.

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  Anonymous wrote:

"Nazis" :o)))) OMG, are people still using that dated stale taunt. I'll let you in on a little secret. According to the Jewish Almanac census, there were 15,000,000+ Jews in the world before WWII, guess how many after WWII? That's right, some thousands more than before the war. It's a magic trick, and Zionist Jews have been hoodwinking the world with this propaganda magic trick for 80 years, while they have made the life of Palestinians a misery. Remember, the Zionist Jews have owned Germanysince 1945. Wake The F'k Up Sheeple.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Take your cybertruck and gtfo here you insufferable tw@t

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  Anonymous wrote:

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  Anonymous wrote:

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Keep on keeping on, and goodbye, and may happiness fill your soul

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  Anonymous wrote:

Faggggot bot does actually sound kind of like about 25,000 dumb South Americans or Australians who live in Berlin.

1 of 1 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

there are no way 25000 south americans in berlin would be better thans slavs and arabs though

5 of 6 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

south americans are definitely better than slavs and arabs

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  Anonymous wrote:

poles and other slavs are superior to mexican drug dealing wetbacks

2 of 2 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Mexicans are not south americans and they are hardly involved in any drug dealing in Europe. In Spain the drug dealers are Moroccans. Slavic, especially Russian organized gangs hold the record in drug dealings, human trafficking etc. in Europe. Bukele could send all the prisoners from El Salvador over here and it would take them at least 100 years to even compete with all the crimes committed by Russian mobsters.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Polak killed a policeman in Brandenburg

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  Anonymous wrote:

most of those 'russian' mobsters are jews wityh israeli citizenship so spanish socialist government let them run weild,, cocvaine fentyl comes from south america and mexico , morrocans may be street dealers but greasers still the boss suppliers

1 of 2 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

most human trafficers are arabs

2 of 3 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

The russian mobsters are not jewish from Israel St. Incel. The mobsters groups formed during Soviet times in modern day Russia, mostly slavic, some Georgians thrown in etc. Stop talking about things you have no idea about whatsoever.

Cocaine comes from Colombia (but mostly grown in Peru) not fentanyl, to Europe it mostly comes from the east or is produced domestically.

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  Anonymous wrote:

no they are jews from russia hiding behind russian names when arrested they flee to israel wherethere is no prosecution for crimes against non jews romam amromovich, boris berseovsky, nezvlin etc etc etc all russian jews in israel

5 of 6 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Listen cretin, go and walk around Moscow "hoods" where the organised gangs were formed, I promise you, you will be in paradise. Nowhere else you can see as many neo-nazis as over there. Overwhelming majority of Russian Mafia members are involved in some sort of neo-nazi, hard-core right wing paramilitary etc. groups. Even fascist dictator Putin had to make a considerable effort to not to make Russia appear as Nazi heaven in the media. You seriously have no idea what you are talking about. You are very lucky that your mom's basement has kept you away from an actual contact with Russian mobsters.

3 of 4 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

St. Incel is a proper nazi. Blaming Jews for everything…
Most likely St. Incel is undercover. There’s no way someone would hate Jews for being Jewish that much, except… a Muslim.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Ha ha ha. There are many types of Jews, he is probably not understanding that Zionist fake Jews are the real problem. Zionism is not a religion or race, it's an ideology, funded by the Rothschild banking and oil family. They are in pertnership with the Rockefeller family. They own Israel and want to build a competitive canal near the Suez canal to get Rothschild oil out without paying a toll. Two things to remember when trying to work out the Middle East,: Oil and dollars. Always follow the money. If there was no oil there, the Zionist 'Jews' would not want to know anything about that region.

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  Anonymous wrote:

can germany extradite you if you commit an online cancellation of someone
how about other EU countries, can yu live in another EU country and does germany have control then? I dont know how much germany has in terms of power in the eu, and where if any there is a hard border besides poland

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  Anonymous wrote:

If you‘re non-EU and commit any type type of misconduct, including cybercrime, you might as well leave right away (or hide and live as an illegal immigrant)… There’s no hard border with Poland. That’s part of the EU… Maybe Belarus.

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  Anonymous wrote:

You‘re not cancelling anyone, but yourself.
If the target is a German\EU citizen and they sue you… You can run, but cannot hide.

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  Anonymous wrote:

^care to explain. ?

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  Anonymous wrote:

My question is do I have to then leave the EU, ? And if I leave EU I’d be okay or

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  Anonymous wrote:

Is "online cancellation of someone" a euphemism for mu4der?

1 of 1 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Really depends on what you're talking about.

1 of 1 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

It seems you want to actively harm someone…
So, yes…
Yes, you have to leave. ASAP.
In fact, I just gotten your IP and data from here and let them know you’re planning to.
Run before they catch you! Leave!
No time to waste.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Unpopular opinion here I suppose, but I like every Syrian I have ever met in Berlin. I have quite a few Syrian friends and acquaintances and they're all more fun than Germans, waaaay less socially awkward and way more down to earth and dependable. To be fair, I don't think any of them came here as refugees. But still, for all the hate I see here and in general on social media about syrians they don't seem like a problem here and the ones I know are definitely 100000% raising the bar in terms of culture.

2 of 7 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

I'm one of the people who frequently writes comments on here about Allah as a neurotoxin and Arabs stabbing people and refusing to assimilate into if not German then at least Western culture (partly because Allah ate their brains and partly because the Germans don't really help them except through virtue signaling). I think Islam is worse than shitttt, Muslim slave outfits should be banned and half the mosques should be shut down and the rest should have to be financed by Muslims here rather than their sponsors in Qatar and Turkey who want to colonize Europe and turn it into yet another Muslim shittttttthole.

And yet I like basically every Syrian I know at least superficially well too. They're not all bad. Some are really intelligent, interesting, dynamic, strong people.

But that doesn't mean that uncontrolled mass Muslim migration to Europe is not one of if not the biggest dangers here and needs to be much more controlled and restricted, probably down to near zero for quite a while except for extraordinary exceptions, and that a lot of the people here need to go in as much as that is even possible anymore.

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  Anonymous wrote:

if you had the state paying all your monthly costs you'd be in a good mood too, imagine if the Syrians were net tax payers paying over 50% tax

2 of 4 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

… everyone is superficial, having some foreign buddies as part of wokeness…
Syrians are ingrained with another culture that only comes out once you know them better or get involved at a deeper level…
You‘re fools to think otherwise, or that they’re likeminded…
You can definitely socialise with anyone, but can’t build a proper connection with someone who’s thought since infancy infidels are dirty and will be punished… if they don’t manage to convert you (which gives them score points)…
Not everyone adheres to this, but plenty do.
The ‚I have X friends and they’re great’ are the type of people Netflix makes real life docuseries out of…

4 of 6 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

I think some of them are fine, but I want their numbers heavily capped. Only a small percent are interested or capable of adapting to Western society. Allah crippples most people for life. Allah is worse than AIDS in the 1980s. Look at that crazy fucccking Saudi who drove into the market this year--yeah, supposedly--pretty big supposedly, I think--he's ex-Muslim, but his mind was so rotten out and destroyed by growing up with Allah in an Allah-fucccked-country that he never recovered and just went to something just as crazy.

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  Anonymous wrote:

the myth of germans being honest is bullshit.they are rude and insulting, and some of the most two faced people i have ever met, who would betray you in 2 second

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  Anonymous wrote:

but if you are 'honest' back to them they cant handle it.....

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  Anonymous wrote:

I like Palestinians the most. Zionist Jews are the worst. They are paranoid, rude and obnoxious.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Listening to Germans talk to each other is mind numbing. "Oh yes I am from Nordfriesland and for Christmas we have a special kind of white sausage made from beef tallow and wood clippings which is very much different from the southern tradition of white sausages made of pork tendons and the saliva of kentler experiment victims. On Christmas Eve we lightly fry them for 3 minutes in rapeseed oil unlike the barbarians who fry them in sunflower oil for 5 minutes." No one fucken cares bitch!

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  Anonymous wrote:

It's like how old people with quickly advancing dementia focus on meaningless details and can't really differentiate between things that matter and don't matter anymore.

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  Anonymous wrote:

It’s jokes how Germans still think they can control you once you leave Germany

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  Anonymous wrote:

Allah visited Charlottenberg today:


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  Anonymous wrote:

hey man he's mentally ill says nancy faeser....but arent all kebabs mentally ill?

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  Anonymous wrote:

It is funny how they categories the Muslim knife attacks. This Syrian stabbed a several random people because of terrorism, whereas this other Syrian stabbed several random people because of mental illness. Or this Swedish person (who came from Syria not that that's important) stabbed some random people because of a failed asylum application. This other Syrian stabbed several random people because they were not satisfied with the size of their free flatscreen tv this christmas. While this other Syrian who stabbed several random people, well yes that was because of terrorism, but let's not draw any conclusions based on that.

In general, Germans have a strange autist tendency to break things down into little categories that explain the world to them but in the process they completely miss the bigger, more obvious picture. They think it's more nuanced, but it's not in most cases.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Sorry guys but why are there so many retards on this site now?

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  Anonymous wrote:

go ride your bicycle German cuck, pedal harder and harder in the freezing cold.....the arabs need their free money

3 of 3 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

No way is op German, he started his post with a verboten word in Germany

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  Anonymous wrote:

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  Anonymous wrote:

Sometimes I zee people write in here they went to Poland. How can you rate the quality of life and difference and where in Poland are you living? Wages/taxes/healthcare? Any weird rules and regulations ? Etc

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  Anonymous wrote:

wages are lower then Gaymany but so are taxes, Africans and Muslims not welcome

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  Anonymous wrote:

They are ok with some Muslims in moderation as long as they keep their gross Muslim slavery kinks to themselves in private, work and pay taxes. Then when they're done working they go home or to Germany.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Polaks are also not welcome in many countries.

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  Anonymous wrote:

which countries? pakistanien idiot uk?

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  Anonymous wrote:

Many Polaks sell their butts to come to the UK so whch country is the idiot here ?

5 of 7 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

that was in 2005. by 20030 poland is projected to surpass uk in wealth. plus poles dont go to uk throw away therir passports and demand asylum like muslims and apes do

2 of 3 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Hahaha 20030 Poland surpass UK in Wealth ? Haha You Polish Loser don't overestimate yourself so much. East Euros are so Embarrassing they have zero self reflection

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  Anonymous wrote:

The UK is one of the most Visited Places on Earth LoL Where is Pooland ?

3 of 4 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

by 2030 muslims and niggaz will be majority in england...who wants to visit to see them? no more english culture just apes playing ball and pakis

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  Anonymous wrote:

Even in 2030 The UK will be still one of the most visited countries while Polaks stay Losers :)

4 of 7 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

You should all visit Poland. It's not like you imagine. It's not perfect, but it's not becoming another Muslim shittthole unlike most of Western Europe. It's too late for the West at this point. Just old slowly dying natives and then masses of Muslims blowing each other up and fucccking whatever sheep are left.

Allah is worse than Ghenghis Khan.

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  Anonymous wrote:

I will never spent one cent for Polaks. If Pooland is so great all Poles should stay in their Country and stop Whining about Muslims. The West is dying Out ? LoL it is exactly the opposite The Fastest shrinking countrys are all in Central and Eastern Europe.

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  Anonymous wrote:

That's fine. Enjoy supporting the Arabs. I just saw public health insurance contributions are going up a few percent this year. Supporting all the fake artists was too much already, but add in half of the third world and it's just not sustainable.

Fortunately if you have private insurance, you don't have to wait four months to get an appointment or, even better, you can just hop across the border to Poland or the Baltics and go to whatever doctors or specialists you need to right away, and they're not incompetent German doctors on top of it.

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  Anonymous wrote:

it's the OP - can someone sane please tell me something more about poland

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  Anonymous wrote:

which city in poland is good, cheap for housing ??? with industry and stuff to do etc

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  Anonymous wrote:

any city with over 500,00 population has jobs and plenty to do

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  Anonymous wrote:

Warsaw obviously--really nice city. Not as lively as Berlin, but on the other hand, people are friendly, quite international, don't see junkies lying around all over and no screaming Arabs. Public transport works well, the city is clean, lots of great food, people bathe and are attractive, great for biking.

Krakow but it's very touristy. Wroclaw is really nice for it's nice. Poznan is all right. Gdansk has a vibe but probably not the first one I'd choose.

But really, just get on a train for 2-5 hours to any of these cities and check them out. It would be stupid to think about moving to one of them before that.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Which is best for creatives? Does Warsaw I guess have most internationals? I am 35

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  Anonymous wrote:

What do you mean by creative? People who create things that aren't shittty apps don't usually call themselves creatives, I think. If you create shittty apps, Warsaw is definitely the place. If you make art or something and want to live cheaply seems like maybe getting out of the big cities is smarter nowadays.

For Burgergeld "creatives" Berlin, despite getting worse by the day, is still probably more lucrative, especially if you can brand yourself as a homosexual artist of some kind. Double points for homosexual Palestinian artist. Poland doesn't have the same social incentive system, which is good if you do something and not so good if you don't do anything like many "artists" here.

But dude, it's a five hour train ride to Warsaw. You could probably make it in time to bring in the New Year there. Just go for a few days and see if you like it.

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  Anonymous wrote:

warsaw has a libtard mayor so go for it

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  Anonymous wrote:

The reason I loved Berlin so much, was because of the variety of vegan cafes and restaurants, special nod to Lucky Leek.
But when I went on a food trip for two months to Poland, I was astonished how much better the food is there, compared to Berlin. And the people are very friendly and helpful. I highly recommend a trip to Poland. The people there are not like the Polish dregs in Berlin. It's a Christian country where people have respect for each other. I didn't see one fight or obnoxious drunk, in all my travels there. If I could speak the language, I'd live there in a heartbeat. BTW, very affordable.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Never understood the vegan craze in Berlin, a place where local vegetables are flavourless and full of pesticides, while the German neighbour France has some of the best produce in the world yet there are basically no vegans over there. Also for some reason everybody seems to eat wheat and rye breads in France, did mother nature missed to introduce gluten intolerance to the people over there? Why the supposed german master race is so weak in Berlin? You just throw bread at them and they'll die?

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  Anonymous wrote:

I didn't know there were vegans on this site, but there are lots of Poles, especially women, who are really into health food and fitness and wind up eating a lot of vegetarian food sometimes, although usually not on principle so much. Big difference between a hot Polish woman who's into fitness, avoids too much meat for health reasons but isn't crazy about it and likes it, who takes showers and takes care of herself vs. the women here who are actually often really hot (just because it's a big city where you kind of need to be hot or have some other source of income as a woman) but try so hard to be ugly by not taking showers, wearing the exact same doc martins and ratty clothes, belching, white drug boogers hanging out of their noses as they pee in front of you and everyone else, slobberingly drunk talking about how they really need to shittt tomorrow and so on. You don't see that much in Poland. You see it regularly here.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Not sure where people get their ideas about nutrition and health. Spain is predicted to surpass Japan in 10 years for longevity. They have the least amount of vegetarians/vegans in Europe and definitely some of the prettiest women in the world.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Why the fornicate do they keep billing you after you cancel your contracts and leave the country

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  Anonymous wrote:

greed and sadism

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  Anonymous wrote:

Incompetence, backwardness, trying to suck the last drop of blood they can get from you before you're free of them. Imagine you think you're out, just about to close the door on this shitttthole when the door creaks open behind you and you see a veiny hand with uncut nails reaching out, clawing madly at you.

The country's economy is belly up and they know it. Immigrants who work and pay taxes want out for obvious reasons. The Germans work approximately four hours a week and are proud and stressed out about it, their Arab replacements don't work at all, and so probably your 24 month contracts at the gym and phone operator are about the only things holding the economy up at this point.

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  Anonymous wrote:

When I left Berlin and got these I wrote back and said "listen German, Marshall plan is over. You're not milking anymore money out of Americans for nothing in return. I understand the German economy is based on begging for money at threat of violence up to and until genocide, but i am not participating. Do not write back to me ever again". Never heard another word from them. If I ever set foot in Germany again they'll probably throw me in prison though.

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  Anonymous wrote:

BUt Kenyan bus drivers and Hindu IT slaves will save the German economy that's what dumb Deutsche think

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  Anonymous wrote:

arrogant Deutscher will think immigrants will work keep quiet and be soo grateful just to be living in a "1st" world cuntry like gaymany what arrogance

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  Anonymous wrote:

I dont even get where they get the arrogance from. most of them look like orks. nation of narcissist and dumb too from all teh inbreeding

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  Anonymous wrote:

If I have to pay to use the bathroom, why don't they at least provide warm water to wash my hands? It's unreasonable to have only unheated water when it's ice cold 9 months out of the year. As a result, most Germans don't wash their hands in public bathrooms (no idea how it is in private but wouldn't surprise me of they're even more reluctant when they're paying the heating bill themselves). This whole use the very least of all resources at all times mentality drives me crazy. You're not being environmental, you're just poor or cheap or both. Stop pretending it is a morality issue.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Impossible to have a decent holiday trip within Germany. Have to fly far away. The only holiday hotels in Germany are these gay spa hotels where gross old German women desperate for attention go to flash strangers in the coed saunas. Went once and it's literally that and a bunch of fat male German ghouls with half-boners walking around. Gayest thing I've ever seen to be honest. Then you inevitably get roped into some gay conversation with them and they hear your British accent and "most Brits are too prude for our naked saunas in chermany". african american STFU, it's not my prudishness that doesn't like the saunas here. It's
1. Germans are the most disgusting people in Europe
2. Hell yeah the naked human body is sexual and I like it that way.

Ugly germbros you guys can continue pretending you're celebrating the human body buy secretly jerking it to 70 year old cottage cheese broads while they in turn secretly get off on anyone giving them attention. I'll continue to be a normal human and find attractive women hot without numbing myself to the sight of a naked woman's body by looking at nude grannies. You retards are filling up on Currywurst before heading to the steakhouse. Goonbrained retards. I wouldn't even care, I certainly done care that there are swingers all over England but it's not shoved in your face there like here. They keep amongst themselves. Even the French don't build temples to their degeneracy even though it's so widespread that DNA tests are illegal there. But good old Germany somehow turned literally every holiday hotel into a latent swinger club. Gayest thing ever.

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  Anonymous wrote:

they call it gaymany for a reason

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  Anonymous wrote:

the gross old german grannies should act their age asnd care for therir grandchildre..oh wait they dont have grandchildren

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  Anonymous wrote:

The smartest thing they could do would be to make special nights where it's German women who are 55+ and African guys who are under 40. I'm not saying it'd solve all of Germany's societal problems, but it would solve some of them.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Most sensible thing I have ever read on here

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  Anonymous wrote:

well Africans will fook anything 70 year old grannies and bushmeat included

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  Anonymous wrote:

what a moron the Africans will just give the grannies aids and herpes, after all they are african

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  Anonymous wrote:

Getting medications and stuff for their AIDS will give the grannies something to do other than yelling at people in supermarket lines, and for their part if the Africans have a free place to stay with the grannies then your wife or sister might not get gangrappped while passing through Gorlitzer Park.

This is a win/win arrangement.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Remember this guy?

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  Anonymous wrote:

fooking your Mum better then fooking bushmeat animal in the jungle and getting monkeypox

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  Anonymous wrote:

3000 polizei on duty in berlin for new years eve, can they stop rioting kebabs?

3 of 8 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

kebabs should fuckk your mother :)

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  Anonymous wrote:

Rape and mass enslavement of women are their main ways of getting sex and also their main cultural values.

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  Anonymous wrote:

I really hate that there are so many travel destinations served from BER airport exclusively by budget airlines. Feels weird to go on a 5 star holiday and have to fly there in a plane full of the least civilised, most retarded people this country has to offer. I don't know why, but somehow flying with a normal airline means that when deplaning people literally will always use proper etiquette and wait for the person in front of them to leave. On budget airlines everyone seems to be retarded and angry so you have grown adults literally pushing to try to get off 1 minute earlier. Luggage belts are even worse. There should be an IQ test required for Germans to leave the country.

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  Anonymous wrote:

And I'll preemptively say this is only about Germans for me. I would actually be very surprised if Turks or Indians acted this retarded when visiting home, but I've never been to either place so I don't know.

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  Anonymous wrote:

I pay German taxes to support the Arabs and so I can't really afford 5 star holidays. I'm glad the shittt airlines that fly from this shittthole are at least inexpensive.

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  Anonymous wrote:

It's really cheap to fly to Turkey from Berlin.

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  Anonymous wrote:

I just don't get how Germans are so socially awkward. I'm anglo so admittedly superior to Germans both genetically and culturally, also economically but how can these teutons think it's acceptable to stand so close to someone else you're actually touching them? And when you say "yo german stop touching me" they act like you're unreasonable. Literal retards.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Anyway I usually just say "hey man you're not in Germany anymore, stop acting stupid" and look them straight in the eyes and 99% of the time they act normal. Still pathetic they will walk all over everyone until they push back. Probably some kind of metaphor in there. Makes it hard to feel sympathy for this failing nation.

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  Anonymous wrote:

They need someone to stand over them with a whip and show them how to queue. Otherwise it requires too much critical thinking. I don't know what's wrong with them.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Oh, Indians, Chinese and most Asians (except Japan and Korea, maybe) are savages…
Some South East Asians (Malaysia) are not only savage, rude and super not at all behaved, they’re also super duper dumb…. it’s insane they manage to stay alive.
No wonder they lost a whole plane at some point…
Worst flights ever, worst planes ever, worst people ever… It’s insane with no exaggeration…

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  Anonymous wrote:

You sound like some dumb Jurgen who's certain everything is worse outside of Germany even though he's only been outside the country once to Mallorca but has lots of opinions about everything.

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  Anonymous wrote:

India is next level, tho…

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  Anonymous wrote:

People who believe the world is this big melting pot of cultures are as delusional as the crazed right wingers…
It’s not.
The world is full of poverty, misery, less opportunity and less privilege… things that affect human behaviour, human hope…
Religion is where there’s no proper education and mostly poverty (it’s easier to blame/be guided by higher powers when you are powerless in your environment. people need hope and reason) People who cannot behave in line with others need to acknowledge others first and foremost. When you are born to struggle for survival in default mode, it’s part of your personality to fight for a spot, to be first, to “catch” it and “secure” it…
So yes, poor people will behave less collected, people from overpopulated areas will not queue in line, they’ll run and compete… as they do everyday.
As much as I hate Germany, it’s ignorant to place it on the same as a poorer area in this world… Sometimes culture is a sum of hardship too, not just beautiful rituals and beliefs.
If you ever traveled in your lifetime with your eyes open, you know that…

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  Anonymous wrote:

A lot of this country's issues would be improved if Germans spent some time in third world shittttholes. The dumbfuccck rightwingers might grow some compassion and realize that their own culture is pretty pathetic and degraded at this point, and the no borders compassion fairy leftist retards might realize that Europe can't absorb every third worlder and still keep the values that prevent it from devolving into the third world itself.

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  Anonymous wrote:

well in a few years germans can spend time in germany which will be a third world idiot

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