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I am unfortunate enough to need a new job and be stuck here…
Job hunting in Berlin and especially interviewing in Berlin is… a massive joke.
Plenty of poop startups, paying peanuts but acting like they are some superstars.
Most of the people working have no clue what they’re doing anyway… outdated, stupid but inflated egos everywhere…
Yeah, it's about 75% inflating the interviewer's ego (they will always introduce themselves with a list of their degrees and previous jobs for absolutely no reason so just be all "wow very impressive Laufbahn, it would be so inspiring to work under someone so accomplished"). After a week you'll notice a retarded monkey could do the job (i.e. the average German could do it if they could ask a million questions a day for the first year on the job). Always the same and then it's all worth it when you get that sweet sweet 3k/month salary lmao. All the potatoes and quark you can eat as long as you live in a WG. Welcome to hell.
Hallo, unique individual! I'm eager to learn about your perspective.
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Sayonara, and may serenity be yours
This a warning! To all the dumb German drivers out there!! Stop tailgating on the streets and autobahn. You all are seriously going to get your butt kicked from hear to the hospital. I don’t care if this is your country. It’s rude and disrespectful. In the heat of the moment logic will have gone out the window.
My new favorite statistic is that a median salary for a male african american is higher than median salary in Germany. Best part is that it's obviously a bad comparison because you're comparing men's salaries to everyone in Germany but Germans aren't allowed to admit women and foreigners are underpaid here so they can't really argue except something like "healthcare is cheaper here!" (Which btw I just got my annual tax slip the other day and all in all with employer + employee contributions I am over 16K EUR which I can't imagine being able to hit for a single in the u.s. but that's beside the point).
It really is a scam no matter how you look at it. Private insurance has fixed prices based on age. Why the hell can't people earning under 70K/year join? Literally more affordable than public for 100% of working age adults so less risk for the insurer and if you don't pay they can just drop coverage and. But no in Germany everyone has to "be solidarity" (except upper middle class +).
Op here, ai actually do earn enough for private but I am on a precarious fixed term contract with unknown status for extension. I could be saving hundreds each month with private insurance but if they don't prolong my contract then I am stuck in private insurance (actually good) BUT ALG1 will not cover monthly premiums while I am unemployed even though it is cheaper than public insurance. Once I have an extension I am definitely leaving public, makes absolutely no sense to pay twice what others pay and get the same BS service. My friend with kids is on private and they told me their doctor gives them appointments on Saturday if necessary. Public insurance here is getting as bad as NHS.
If you post this to r/Berlin you get an instant permanent. Why is Berlin the darkest red spot in eastern Europe (yes Germany is eastern Europe, I don't care if you disagree with me either).
What will it take for reddit to accept this place is a shithole?
"I'm from Berlin and I've actually never heard of anyone ever getting robbed in this city. You're making it up"
"I got robbed in Paris and in Berlin and in Berlin it was a much more pleasant experience, the guy only had an old gun and barely even roughed me up"
"Honestly I don't even understand why you care about robbery in Berlin. It's usually just someone down on their luck so just give them some cash and be on your way"
"I just carry a decoy wallet everywhere I got, can't believe some people are too stupid to figure it out"
"At least this isn't America where statistically everyone has been robbed at least twice per year every year since 1980"
"What are you trying to imply by posting this infographic exactly?"
Does anybody know whats up with the water in Germany? I have got a rash all over my body after moving to Berlin. I guess it's due to the pooping pipes and bad water quality.
Saw an info graphic, in 2022 there were about 40 pensioners per 100 working people in Germany. This is projected to jump to almost 60 by 2050. At this point shouldn't Germany just admit that all the "pro family" initiatives it tries are massive failures? 250 euros a month and 22K to stop working for a year don't seem to be cutting it, nor does subsidizing welfare families' domestic vacations (yes this is a thing "Familienerholung budget" is what it's called in Berlin). Germany needs to pivot to promoting being not disgusting slobs no one wants to fuck. Crass to have to say it out loud, but probably 99% of Germany's problems could be solved by making the people less retarded. Banning lead pipes for water transport and Bleigießen was probably a good first step, but they need more widespread deshittification measures here. Police sees a guy pissing in a train station that's a month in jail. Some drugged out Jerry asks a girl if she wants to pee on him, 2 months in prison. Leave the apartment without brushing your hair, that's 2 weeks in jail. Being fat and wearing a short skirt is 6 months. The police could write enough fines during CSD alone to fund the city for a year. It's time Germany stops being ugly and autistic and starts being attractive for once.
Or they could make it less of a bureaucratic hell for immigrants who actually come to work while encouraging those who come too leech off the system while dreaming of Allah. Glad they're finally making a little bit of an effort on the second front, but it's also too little too late. They'd be smart to try to get as many educated, hard-working family oriented Asians and Indians to come here. If you're willing to work to support the old Germans while they slowly die off and aren't infected with Allah: welcome!
No we have to remove all the shitwads that salt the earth for decent humans. Civilised foreigners don't want to raise kids in neighborhoods where homos meet up at night to smoke weed and give each other handjobs on playgrounds. They all need to go to reeducation camps.
Immigrants who come to Germany should have a reason to! Full stop. Job, partake into society etc. Doesn’t matter what religion they are as long as they understand Europe is culturally Christian, secular and pretty much over dogmas since a while now… People have rights (yes, even the homos, minorities, even Jews - shockingly for the nutcase that sometimes posts here). Coming to Germany to drop babies raised in anti-spirit is not it… In fact, don’t breed at all. Why consume space and resources then complain there is no space and resources? People need to stop finding their Ikigai or some poop… stop relying on free handouts, be it Germans or foreigners. Socialism never worked and never will anyway…
The angry Allahu piglet is downvoting…
But it‘s true. Civilised, smarter and decent people don’t care to control what others shove down their bums or mouths… and generally, what they do in their privacy…
It applies to both left/right, idiots are on both sides.
And whoever acts in the name of skydaddies in the 21st century is plain retarded…
Normally I would think that's true, that homos would avoid allahcel neighborhoods but Germans have no survival instinct at all (partially due to fake data privacy laws and media codex abused to give a false perception of safety, but also just general state worship and autism). You can go to Volkspark Friedrichshain any night of the week in summer and find both allahcels blasting music and homos buttfucking in the bushes. And occasionally someone murders a homosexual in the bushes and the media doesn't cover it because we all know who most likely did it. But anyway, as a parent I definitely avoid overly gay areas here because most gay men over about 40 are actually just pedos.
Yes! Bringing awareness on how bad Muslimahs smell, especially in the summer when sweat is stale in those poop fabrics they wear… you puke your insides if you‘re unlucky to stay too close to one. It’s not like they wear organic cotton. And let’s not talk about Arabic fragrances and Oud. That poop smells even worse…
I have the horror to sit in a bus next to some Muslim women in the summer and I got dizzy from the stench…
Going out in public smelling foul as fwck is antisocial behaviour…
But hey, they‘re „clean“ because they eat and poop with their bare hands and have ablutions five times a day… because microbiology only progresses for one part of the world only. For the Islamic word, it‘s stuck in 13th century st best, where eating with right hand and washing a$$ with left hand is… enough. NOT.
Agree with basically everything in the three comments above except the part about the Slave Frauen's masters being alpha. What kind of fucccking loser has so little confidence that the only way anyone would ever have intercourse with him is if they are his enslaved property? Islam is just incel culture on a large scale. The OG version before the internet. Those men are pathetic and would be much happier in a world with only men. The whole Arab world is hot and miserable but it could. be like Laboratory spread over thousands of miles of desert: just hairy-assssed men fuccccking each other in the asssholes. That'd be alpha. But enslaving women because you're suck a pathetic loser cuccck that it's the only way you can feel like a real man? That's pathetic.
Calm down dude. I don't believe in the whole meme that homophobes are latent gays BUT you definitely seem to have some suppressed homosexual feelings in you. And if you don't understand how a culture could become overprotective of its women than you probably somehow have negative testosterone in your blood.
Huge Facebook groups for finding short term babysitters. People offering services usually either 1.) South American: Hi I have a master's degree in early childhood education and a doctorate in psychology and am looking for a job in Berlin for 12 months, my rate is 12 euros per hour, or 2. Hi I'm Stefan from NRW and I have Hauptschule and worked as a newspaper delivery man for 2 months *posts 6 extremely creepy pictures of himself with kids with faces covered by emojis that look like evidence that will be used at his criminal trial*. Every request is like "hey we're expats from California looking for a sitter 4x a week for our 3 kids in Zehlendorf, hoping for an English native speaker" followed by a hundred people named Vindaloo Manju Chatterjee saying "pls saaaar I am English native speaker level 7 with distinction please I have send u PN". One of Fee situations where I feel pity for everyone involved.
Media and political analysis here is truly mind bogglingly retarded. The AFD is so toxic that another party can't even make proposals that get afd votes without being labelled Nazis. Fake collective atonement for stuff your great grandparents did leads to this mass suicidal path. Little kids getting stabbed by the crazed religion of peace fanatics is, I guess, a small price to pay to be proud to be "German". Such gayness.
THE AfD IS the only hope for Germany.
BTW, there were more jews after WWII compared to before WWII. And that's from the Jewish Almanac. Also, the 6,000,000 figure was mentioned in the New York Times alone, more than 20 times between 1900 and 1945. Stop believing news reports on Zionist Jew controlled MainStreamMedia. There seems to be more than 6,000,000 Holocaust SURVIVORS, every Jew's parent or grandparent seems to be a holocaust SURVIVOR, I thought Hitler was supposed to have killed them all. Jews were placed in Work Camps, not concentration camps, whicjh sounds like a made up term, Why would Hitler kill a free workforce in the middle of a war. If he really wanted to get rid of Jews, he would have sent them to the front, not sheltered in Work Camps, while Germany's youth died on the frontline. Nothing about the HollowHoax makes sense. Many Jews starved in the camps because the allies cut of supplies, which also led to diseases. The Jews were supposed to have been exterminated over the last 18 months of the war, well, do the math, I did, and the result was surprising. 1.5 years = 548 days = 47,500,000 Secs, divided by 6,000,00 equals 8 seconds each.Over three eyars, it would be 16 seconds each, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. Stop believing everuthing the Zionist-Jew controlled media tells you. Call me what you want, I couldn't give a flying phuck. I'm sick of the lies, propaganda, and brainwashing. WAKE UP.
Protestors calling for the AFD to be banned, but now also calling for the Cdu to be banned as well (for the heinous crime of getting AFD votes). Germans really are truly the most retarded fuckwads on planet earth. Really truly subhuman level intelligence.
I don't care that Elon musk supports the AFD. I just want fewer people leeching off my very high taxes and fewer allahcels. If there was a party that was running on kicking Germans off of long-term welfare programmes I would vote for them. I don't want to pay for people who cannot pull their own weight in society unless they have a real disability. Alcoholism and social anxiety don't count.
Germany still has enough money to give its own alcoholics and drug addicts some Burgergeld. Ugly as they are, they're not really the issue. The Allahcells and Germany going out of its way to attract the worst kind of immigrants while making it a bureacratic nightmare for good, qualified immigrants (and yes, there are "good" and "bad" immigrants even though the woke liberals in Berlin get upset if you say that, but go ahead and say it).
Germany does have enough money to pay for it's own long term unemployed losers. Have you stepped foot in a public school in Berlin ever? Feels like stepping back in time about 40 years. Same for any state run infrastructure thing here. There needs to be serious efforts to stop paying for pieces of shit, German or otherwise. It obviously does not pay dividends in any form.
How much support would Germany provide to the Danes if Edolf Muskler would actually send an army to Greenland? Germans are mad that the Danes spied on them on behalf of yank wankers but they seem to forgot that they themselves spied on the Austrians, French etc. for the yank twats.
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We must be as oekologisch as possible, which is why we use tons of paper and send every poop via post
Enough with he Global Warming apocalypse BULLSHIIT. Stop believing everything you read, and start questioning it, with your own mind and intuition. What 'scientist' today would get a grant if they denied the paid for 'science' of the ClimateHoax. Why do people not see through these Agenda30 tricks, to get you to eventually agree to live in densely populated 15 minute cities. Crammed with high-rise SMART buildings.
I got my revenge on some bullying Germans. freaking retards. They really think they can treat you however and you won’t fight back. I encourage you to do the same
All of Berlin falls into this category