A small ray of hope: Germany's progressive attitude toward homosexual culture might finally be rubbing off on its Muslim residents because the most recent Muslim gang rape was gay:
Maybe Lab could start up a Muslim gangfuccck theme night? Could be a hit.
Extremely normal for that part of the world
As I understand it, in Muslim culture it is not consider ggay if the boy doesn't have pubic hair hair yet. So you are allowed to fuccck it until until puberty, but then it becomes haram and you get your head cut off for Allah if you fucck it anymore. I've heard it's difficult for them when their little Bruder Mohammed starts growing that cute teenage mustache, because you can't really fucck it anymore, but you still want to. Confusing times. Could be easily solved if you could slap a burqa on your little Bruder for a few years till he turns into a hairy asssed grownup, but according to respected Islamic scholars that's also haram because he's a boy.
Why are so many people here trying to be ugly? I don't even mean the past their prime ladykrauts who can't help itI mean teens, 20 somethings and such that are obviously exerting effort to look ugly. Actually walking around and noticing this is so surreal as there are so few people in this city giving off any positive vibes. Feels like a giant cemetery. Not being or at least looking depressed is subversive here. What a joke.
I should be numb to this by now but for the probably literal hundredth time I see some soulless subhuman pissing in the middle of a crowded Alexanderplatz with hundreds of people all around. Absolutely no shame in his face, just the empty soulless stare of someone so far gone from modern society that he needs to be locked away either in prison or some other institution. And before you ask: YES HE WAS WHITE.
Weird thing is that if you tell a German something like this happened they always and without fail say "that could happen in any city". Never ever "shit I'm embarrassed of Berlin this disgusting shithole" or anything of the like. Total denial of reality. Yeah maybe you'll see some crusty loser pissing against a building in Paris, but only in Berlin do you see dudes just pissing in the middle of a busy plaza openly pissing. Even a dog has more modesty.
> Be German
> Get stabbed
Not sure why this is getting down voted. Typical Germtard knee jerk reaction though. If you don't want it to be true then it isn't. There's a stabbing literally every day and, unlike shootings in the US where it's almost always gang shit, stabbings in Germany are almost always in random people. It's gonna continue happening until Germtards understand reality.
Hey Siri what's the average IQ of a person in Afghanistan? And why did the US military abandon the country after 2 decades when they realized the elitest of their military recruits were basically all addicted to opium and constantly openly gay raped each other like a bunch of retards? You have to look at the individual, but you also have to accept that the average Afghan is freaking stupid and depraved. How do you remove that level of degeneracy without waiting 3 generations? Even kids now with east German parents are still highly distinguishable from West German kids and they're genetically basically the same. Who the hell really believes 2-3 million refugees from one of the, on average, dumbest areas of the world will ever be able to function here? There are already too many GERMANS on the dole, who is supposed to pay for these people?
A short integration course should be enough to propel them forward 700 years or so into the present. Then maybe they'll be ready to stop taking the free flatscreen tvs and escooter passes and instead make something of themselves by going to work at an Aldi or wiping geriatric old Germans' asssses in a care home.
What happened here? The city got super crowded over the past 2 weeks. It wasn't empty before but I feel like I have never seen it this full before.
People all over town throwing all their money away on a few expensive and not even very good meals in hipster restaurants in one final shitttty hurrah before deindustrialization really picks up and they have to go back to eating onions and bread while hyperventilating looking down their obese sweaty sister's dress.
The open secret is that they'll never cut benefits to Germans. My prediction is that they'll slowly ramp up deportations over years, always expanding deportation worthy offenses until they can target around 1 million foreigners. By that time, Germany's largest companies will have already started to fail because they still think Germany's secret formula for a functioning economy (cheap Russian energy, cheap eastern European labor, cheap American protection, cheap Muslim domestic underclass) hasn't disappeared. Then the unions and workers councils will negotiate batshit deals for all the people laid off, which will be the last straw in bankruptcy for Germany firms. By that time Germany may side with Russia in an attempt to regain independence from Washington and rebuild their broken economy and I guess the war will spread out across Europe. During all this Germany, having learned nothing from WW1 or 2, will just bully the ECB into printing more and more Fiat. France will side with America (and Britain) and enter a new era of prosperity for modern French standards since they have largely independent nuclear energy. Germany will return to the dark ages with Russia, China and India as allies. There will be a lot of death and starvation. This is the next 15 years basically. The good times are over in this country. I hope you all have a non German (and non eastern European ) passport, because if not you're gonna get reckt.
Lol Germany uses paper ballots and still has a "software glitch" that disadvantages only conservative parties. How is that even possible? Did they buy a Chinese calculator or what? This is all so fake it's stupid at this point
All the hyper focus on muslim religion or islam. I guess you just have an obsession on who you want to hate.Ok. What about afd preparing to kick out all people with migration past no matter their religion or if their mom called them Stefan or not? Heh? And don’t tell me they only want to kick out criminals. We all saw what they discussed in the correctiv covered secret meeting. Also, not a fan of regressive politics for women and minorities, but where is there an ‘islamic regime’? None of that as far as I can see. I would argue the regime the afd is proposing is closer to an islamic state than anything else. Also the percentage of refugees turned criminals is low. Most people turn into doctors and other workers. You are so brainwashed it’s crazy. I don’t even care if I am asked to leave, already left a while back. I just know that you voting for these asswholes will mean war and that affects everyone on this small continent. Germany does not afford to forget what they did just a while back. I guess hate is just too sweet of a poison. Would not know.
It may look like that on paper, but people who vote for AfD want the islamists out, not everyone.
Most probably don’t even look past that.
AfD offered to ‘solve’ a problem no one else offered to… the rest comes with it, but it’s not the main driver…
And no, people don’t care for the fine details and exceptions. All they saw for the past decade was these ‘doctors and other workers’ doing stabbings, terror attacks, rape, abusing the system, overflowing cities with trash and humans, then housing crisis etc etc. generally… creating problems that they didn’t need or want. On top, Germany has its own past, its own culture, its own society to cater to, yet having all resources gulped by a problem that landed here and was welcomed arms… slows progress and create a lot of resentment…
At this point, people are simply fed up to see their cities full of women in scarves… Funny to think, but it is the Muslims that actually mark themselves indirectly saying ‘we don’t want to be part of it. We want to be Muslim’… which is incompatible with European values overall…
Religion is a personal choice that has no place in the state and law… Muslims want a sectarian way of life.
The ones who still don’t have that many (former GDR), would rather bring their pitchforks than welcome more of them…
Plus, people who are refugees should be sheltered until it’s safe to return, not to settle.
All these migrants who come here to start a life need to have a reason to be here, a refugee is not someone who’s (technically) here to stay. It doesn’t matter if you’re not a criminal. Unemployed is enough.
Bla-bla-bla… basically, it seems people are looking at 7 different ways and micro-problems, without addressing the big elephant in the room… Bla bla
Correctiv's biggest funder is Mr open society himself. Nothing to take seriously. Also: Germany really probably should kick out a lot of foreigners. I don't like the racial components of the afd platform either, but the pendulum must swing back and a lot of people need to go.
Unpopular opinion: AFD is being voted because the German society is deeply xenophobic and culturally xenophobic. Even the language: migration past. Who cares if your grandma comes from wherever. In other countries that does not matter. This whole ‘oh people are upset that’s why they vote afd’. By now we know what the values of afd are and how close they are to their horrid past. Whatever hate on me. I’m aware this website was taken over by afd employees but whatever.
AfD is awful and represents Germany's worst tendencies. But backwards pigbreath Germans are voting for them en masse because the country migration policy is not working and is overloading the country with even more backwards Muslims who bring nothing to society and take a lot when the country is already rapidly deindustrializing and falling apart. The mainstream parties either do not address this issue, gaslight everyone who doesn't want to live in a society that is quickly being taken over demographically by Muslims by calling them racists or pay lip service to it and then do absolutely nothing. The way to avoid an ugly shitttt party like AfD would be to actually do something about migration and in that way cut off their big source of support. Instead they do nothing, and people get angry and resentful and desperate and vote for a shitttt party like AfD. This has been happening all over the world, and it is a failure of mainstream political parties to do anything while things are going to shittt.
And I don't care where your grandma is from or what race you are either, but if you haven't tossed Allah in the shitttter where he belongs and hate the society you've chosen to come to because you don't want to live in whatever Muslim shittthole you come from and all your actions and behavior and mindset and world view is about trying to make the country you moved to become more comfortable to a backwards Muslim like yourself while benefiting from the social welfare system without contributing anything or even trying to assimilate--that's a problem.
Let’s call it by its name. Migration refers to people from backwards countries who bring nothing but crime and dirt…
If migration would have meant bringing added value, contributions and prosperity, no one would be upset…
Germany had lots of Turks and Vietnamese for decades before and there was issue, even with the whole cultural differences…
The problem started in the early ‘00s with all the “refugees” coming in and islamification…
This whole “Xenophobic” and “Racist” is way too simplified and pretty much what led to this point.
All other parties refused to address the issue in the name of not being called “xenophobic” and “racist”… and here we are.
Afd is a symptom, not the whole disease.
excellent comment above, if migrants could support themselves instead of the taxpayer AFD would be much less popular, SPD, Grun just swept the issue under the rug yelling Nazi and racist now is out of control crisis with thousands more leeches arriving illegally every day, they need medical care, guess who will pay?
Disliking Islam and not wanting to live in a Muslim or even half Muslim society is not the same as racism. There are some migrants from Muslim shittttholes that came here because they didn't want to live in a Muslim shittthole and have adapted very well and fit in here a lot better than many other people from less culturally distant countries. Can't say how many, and it doesn't feel like too many although I've definitely met some, but these people are completely welcome and bring something to society.
Most prefer Gaymany, not Germanistan. Queerness for Europe!
We’re gay around here since the Greeks, the Romans… the French :) We like it a bit fruity.
Women with titties out, sexually liberated, hair loose, drinking wine.
Berlin was supposed to be a kinky place for failed artists, not a Kalifat full of salamalekus.
Think the government will finally get the message after AfD's electoral gains yesterday? I doubt it. You can already see the hand-wringing about the lingering wounds of reunification and inflation and they love Putin or maybe are just evil racists and so on.
Or maybe it's just the millions and millions of Arabs that have been welcomed, hooked up to the crumbling social welfare system while they colonize the country and turn it slowly into another Muslim shittttthole? Maybe people don't want to get stabbed in the fucccking neck or gangraped by some psycho shrieking about how Islam is love? Maybe they don't want to pay for these people to shittt out indigent violent children who eat up your tax money, beat the shittt out of their kids at school and you can't even get an appointment at the doctor for three months because the system is overloaded with millions of third worlders with an allowance?
It is not that hard. It's really not.
But Scholtz and all the rest are so fucccking dumb that they'll most likely just miss it altogether or best case scenario continue on with saying ja, ja, we must control uncontrolled migration while doing absolutely nothing about it except for rapidly naturalizing millions of them in the hope that at if your daughter gets gangraped or your dad gets stabbed in the neck by German citizens "of a migration background" that you'll not notice the pattern.
Afd would be toast in a day if mainline parties literally just stopped letting people abuse the asylum programmes and booted the most abhorrent of the criminal immigrants from Germany, but instead they all stand on their heads to form idiotic alliances and use taxpayer money to fund propaganda witch-hunts on afd sympathisers that would make the Stasi Blush. Like Bro maybe if you sexually assault someone after being granted asylum AND you have zero prospects of ever getting off the dole then maybe you deserve that one-way ticket back to Afghanistan. I'd prefer avoiding new calls for a 21st century German ethnostate, so do some populist stuff that isn't pretending you're gonna confiscate real estate from investors and send a plane full of assholes back to the middle east every day. How the hell is it possible that 5% of all Syrians live in Germany now?
It's so simple, but the mainstream parties are so dumb and impotent. And the Greens are downright retarded to the point that it's a miracle they can breath or (I assume) wipe their own assses. BSW's successes also show that people don't want Islamification and endless uncontrolled Muslim migration but don't necessarily want all the other garbage that goes along with the AfD morons. So fucccking simple, but instead the country's going to have to go completely off the rails because they can't get it together to tackle this one obvious issue that's tearing society up up like a massive cheap disgusting doner turd ripping the country's butt apart as it comes out and then clogs up the toilet.
Baffling to imagine there was once a Germany capable of producing the concept of the categorical imperative and now it's basically just Stefans in politics letting ugly soulless men diddle kiddies and Muslims stabbing people in the neck. What a shitshow.
Are all academic degrees in Germany fake? Did undergrad and MBA in Germany, whole programme was fake as fuck. Only person who failed was too stupid to not plagiarise the final thesis which itself was also mucho fake and gay. Someone with 75 IQ could have passed, every single thing was super easy and profs basically gave us question banks for exams. Why do you need a master's in Germany to work at a hotel or be a secretary? How does nation of fake efficiency not realise how retarded this is?
European train culture is so gay. Utterly disgusting waste of taxpayer money combined with idiotic consumer pricing strategy and shit-tier service. Guaranteed to arrive late, guaranteed to get groped by some muzzy or pigfucker german if you're a woman. Then you have to get out at main rail stations which is gypsy and drug dealer central everywhere in Europe unfortunately.
Poland is so nice compared to Germany these days. One of the few places left in Europe that hasn't been ravaged by mass Muslim migration and colonialism. And they take lots of refugees, but from Ukraine, who actually add something to society and don't try to gangrape or knife you while screaming about Allah.
Car culture is peak civilization unless you want to sit in a smelly train with dregs of society for an hour to travel 10 miles. Rail coverage is a sign your country is a total shithole. Wow so cool your country can burn money on antique tech with zero future. And Yeah Poland Poland Poland, no niggardly blackfaces but Slavic retards with even less self awareness than the average german and 30k eur per year is like top 5%. To be quite frank, all of Europe is seriously fucked. UK is OK culture wise, at least their culture doesn't have weird quasi swingers clubs so deeply embedded like gay vabali shit, or tropical dickflash paradise BUT go to prison for saying rapefugees aren't welcome or being white is OK (same as shitmany in this regard). Still leaving the EU was the best thing UK has done in a long time.
poland people in UK returning from pakistanien idiot land and improving their country, Polish real estate will be most expensive in the world because no Muslims and no niggahs, no niggahs in skool means highly trained educated work force, as Gaymany declines in PISA scores due to apes and muslims
The yank op here is really dumb, car oriented cities are lame and ugly. Crawl back to Houston, you can enjoy your 16 lane highways which still have insane traffic. UK is full of swinger clubs btw. and we are happy they left the EU, no need for those useless whiners.
Fact remains that trains are simply gay plebmobiles and you are only defending them because you're poor. Get a taste of modern technology available to the poorest of the poor in first world countries like America (I guess you need to earn at least 3k/month in shitmany which is probably approaching top 5% territory) and you'd never go back to huffing teutonian farts while you waste a full Saturday travelling to some overcrowded city a hundred km away that's just another slightly different version of your own shithole. Then cry because the train is cancelled and replacement service is full of some filthy joggers dodging fares anyway. Owning nothing is cool as hell, especially when it means a blackhole for government mandated, taxpayer support marketed as "29 euro ticket" and omitting the "50% tax rate in perpetuity" part.
And in case you didn't notice, UK swinger clubs are for consenting adults and not children unlike Kristalltherme or any other German "day spa" that is just an excuse for Stefan's to sexually abuse kids or Muslims to do some gropey gropey. You can literally Google search any there in Germany and look at recent news articles, oldest case of sexual assault is usually 6 months back. Shit-for-brains mongrel full of jogger's blood is incapable of understanding the difference between the two, obviously, which is why your home country ne er managed to build a single bridge without Anglosphere help ya freaking cuck.
Most people here agree that Germany and its infrastructure is a mess but praising UK makes you really stupid. Have you actually lived there? East London, much of Birmingham, large parts around Manchester etc. are like Neukölln in Berlin. Full of insane islamists. And loving cars makes you really gay, a cowardly loser who wants to spend all his day inside a tin can. Go take a walk around upper west side in NYC and tell me how many millionaires over there driver around with cars.
It’s factually wrong. Having train infrastructure is the an indicator of development. Accessibility and connectivity.
US is full of brainwashed people who are told since infancy they’re the greatest nation, but in the corn belt the states are less developed than any Eastern European country you can pick on the map. By all means, including economically, socially.
People bash Eastern Europe out of sheer ignorance, forgetting that Eastern Europe is still… Europe. All proper countries with high development index. They’re the poorest among the rich, yet being the poorest among the rich is still better than most of the planet…
You may not like the culture, but there are by no means backwards countries.
Go downvote now and continue hate on… Slovakia? That’s hilarious…
Random PS: Romanian has an underground techno scene that puts Berlin DJs to shame sometimes…
african american if you have to compare shitholeass Eastern Europe with South America or Africa you're not only pathetic, you're also an aids ridden faggot. People driving cars are scared? Are you literally a gay retard? Cars are obviously more dangerous enmass when compared to trains, ergo only manly men not afraid of death drive. That's a idiot argument every bit as stupid as the one you made. Fact is, people with poop to do drive cars because they don't have time to walk 20 min to take 5 trains to get somewhere else they need to walk another 15 minutes. So many times in Berlin I need to get somewhere not super central and end up needing some idiot bus and the bvg app shows travel time using public transit as LONGER than simply walking. No wonder Krauts need 30 days of holiday a year, they waste about 60 days a year waiting on trains. Also who the fornicate cares about techno unless you're a homosexual 25 year old still trying to get past your cocksucking phase of adult puberty? Literally evil music only to be enjoyed while on drugs. Fucken focus in your career and family and grow up and you'll realise the value of leisure time, you'll understand why driving a car is cool as hell, literally an invention given to man by God himself, and why all the time you spent clubbing (or playing videogames) and waiting on metros would have been better spent building a foundation or, more likely in your case, forging ahead with your constant intrusive thoughts of jettisoning the self. Lastly go and fornicate yourself literal nigger.
Who want to go to Pooland their women are whores and fucck with muslims and blacks daily, Polaks and other east euros are totally cowards , I confronted many of them here in berlin and they were totally tame and careful. On the in Internet East Euros have a big mouth in reality they are losers, and their women are the biggest Whorres on the planet.
Hey, all you Zionist Jew lovers. Are you still jerking off over the babies and children killed by Israeli psychopath snipers, masquerading as soldiers. They shoot them in the back. 15,000 so far, and that's the lowest UN estimate.
They have their sights on you next, and I'll be sheering them on.
Next time you see a Muslim guy with crazed eyes and a big knife on the street, maybe check your racism and consider for a second that he might not there to stab strangers and could pose no threat to you. He might just be minding his own business and stabbing his wife to death in an honor killing. Allah and Angela Merkel are ok with that so I don't know why you wouldn't be.
Interesting list www.thetoptens.com/nations/most-hated-countries/
I Voted for :
Saudi Arabia
It’s not that interesting, rather unsurprising.
Also, no countries in Eastern Europe will ever make such a list anyway… You can hate as a certified hated, but these countries are all chill and don’t have huge human rights issues…
You’re dumb. Probably USA.
Were you inappropriately touched by a Slovakian as a child? Who gives a fuccck about Slovakia? I've been there a number of times and don't have a single opinion or thought about it. Getting mad about Slovakia is like getting mad at grass or dandelions. Meanwhile, women in Afghanistan are no longer allowed to speak in public or show their faces because that might tempt the Afghan men to violently rape them. But yes, Slovakia is the problem.
How's your adopted Palestinian baby doing, ST? Did the pump get you producing enough milk to breast feed it or have you had to use bottles? Just please know we don't judge you either way. It's a hard decision that every mother must grapple with and a lot of societal pressure surrounding it. But when a strong black woman such as yourself is talking, it's best to listen and learn rather than make assumptions.