
There are plenty of reasons to despise this filth ridden city. What bothers you most?

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  Anonymous wrote:

Just made the massive mistake of browsing r/askagerman! A lot of answers are variations on the theme of "call the police." Noisy neighbour; call the police. Someone in your parking space; call the police. Someone doing something innocent that I don't like; call the police. A dearth of "talk to the person" advice. Effing mental!

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  Anonymous wrote:

Meanwhile, it takes the police two years to release pictures on the ubahn of some Muslim skulllfuckers who murdered someone and now, two years later, the police are like wow we just got to this and but are urgently seeking information about this unfortunately isolated incident.

Maybe the police are quicker to respond when you complain that your neighbor didn't properly sort their recycling?

In the end, calling the police is just one example of Germans being incapable of thinking for themselves or solving anything for themselves and expecting and being entirely dependent on the state to do everything for them.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Weird new development in Online German World is Germans calling each other Almans for suggesting talking something out with someone in situations like these. Healthy confrontation is one of the least German things ever. Used to have a neighbor who smoked weed in the stairwell everyday after work. I asked him politely to stop and he never did it again. Yeah some people are actual retards, as in IQ around 80, but if you treat them with some unearned respect (probably the first time they've experienced that in their entire lives) then you can solve 95% of problems. A german would have filled out a timetable of offenses and sent 5 letters to the Hausverwaltung, wasting literal hours on something that can be solved in 30 seconds.

And yes, German criminal prosecution is insane. 2 years before publishing pictures is disgraceful. But unsurprising from a country where it's normal to see blurred pictures of criminals in the newspaper, but unblurred pictures of good samaritans who jumped in to help (example a few posts back of the pedophile german). They also forced wikipedia to delete full names of convicted criminals who served prison sentences. Absolutely fake reality in Germany.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Why don't Germans have spatial awareness? This annoys me so much in summer time.

They stand mindlessly on walking pathways, they block entrances and when they walk towards you, they act like they don't see you.

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  Anonymous wrote:

I always caugh loud when krautz walk to close to me.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Bro you gotta man up and confront them. Stare into their soulless eyes. Cross your arms and stand still. Only thing these low IQ mongrels understand.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Yes, best to stare straight at them and try to make an expression that is so clear that even an autistic child (a German) could understand that it means "are you really, actually, for real, this dumb and lost in the world????" Aim for projecting pity or compassion over rage because honestly it'd be like raging at an animal or inanimate object or child for doing something it doesn't even have the cognitive abilities to understand is stupid and backwards and slow and wrong.

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  Anonymous wrote:

I was pondering the exact same thing this week. How do people become footballers, tennis players or civil engineers here? Not a day goes by without me having to dodge someone entering or exiting a building or public transport without them looking to see if their path is clear.

I remembered a situation in Hauptbahnhof a few years ago. There were hundreds of high school students crowding the concourse and no space to get through without pushing them out of the way. I can understand hormone driven teenagers having a lack of awareness but there were a number of teachers or "responsible" adults with them. It appears that not a single one of them had a thought along these lines. "We are a large group in Berlin's busiest railway station. Perhaps it would be socially responsible to leave room for other people."

Not exactly on topic but a couple of "Berlin classics" came into my memory

1. The old woman who beat me with an umbrella because I was desperate for the toilet and I politely asked her to move so I could pass her on the escalator.

2. The old man who tried to run me down because he didn't like me crossing the road while the traffic was almost gridlocked.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Germans love hitting the gas when you cross somewhere other than crosswalk. They are psychos.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Or just senile and confused. Same as how when they just stop in the middle of the path after they exit the train or at the bottom of an escalator. Something is glitching in their brains. The poor old bats don't know where they are half the time. Hitting the gas might just be a panic reflex. They're too simple to actually be psychos--more just confused and a bit mean.

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  Anonymous wrote:


I remember taking a university class in 2016 in Germany. For whatever reason the professor started talking about the Syrian refugee crisis. His words "I think if we have a room with 100 people in it and 1 extra person enters we do not have a crisis". We're at 10 now, is that a problem? How about 20, 50? When does it become a problem?

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  Anonymous wrote:

Universities are tranny lefty producing factories nowadays. I remember one of my professors brainwashing my female classmates to go and protest Trump back in 2016. You don't live in the USA, cunt, are you insane?

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  Anonymous wrote:

And each one multiples because once they are provided with a slave wife they have far more babies than the Germans, and most of those babies are supported by the government. Germany is literally paying Arabs to colonize it.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Why does every apartment complex here have a lockable front door if it is illegal to lock it (as it should be, obviously). Answer: Because Krauts we're too retarded to rule this illegal until 2015. What a joke of a country.

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  Anonymous wrote:


Family with 2 kids living on welfare had more money than if parents had median income. How can a society like this function?

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  Anonymous wrote:


LMAO Germany you're really truly retarded.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Try to lure qualified immigrants with higher salaries to your geriatric shittcountry but don't make them pay taxes to support the millions of Muslim leech immigrants=profit???

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  Anonymous wrote:

Why not just deport all unemployable foreigners? Have a generous grace period for all I care - 2 years or so and if they aren't paying taxes just send them back.

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  Anonymous wrote:

I guess because Germany thinks it can save the entire Muslim world from itself by bringing them here? Not sure what the plan is after that, but it doesn't seem to be going very well so far.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Walking today in Berlin and I noticed how this 'multi-kulti' areas are turning this city into a very backwards rathole...
There are beautiful Altbau houses, plenty of green spaces, quite impressive looking churches and cathedrals (not related to religious practice; they are beautiful constructions to have in a city)...and then, there's this new layer: infestation of kebab shops, barber shops, shisha shops... very poor, tacky, cheap small shops... making Berlin look and feel like a very undeveloped part of the world. The amount of hijabi women in this city is also quite shocking. They don't feel like a minority... This city doesn't feel like a European place anymore... And it's all about assimilating this 'diversity' or you're a pariah... This diversity not only brings very primitive ways of life, but also very primitive ways of cohabitations... making this city very dirty and ugly.

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  Anonymous wrote:

It's spread out even into neighborhoods that used to be nicer. And taking the bus or walking past by the "refugee" camp at Templehof. The Ukrainians--women and children mostly--are nice enough, look poor and hard-working and are in fact probably going off to work somewhere, but then there are all these young able-bodied Muslim skullfuccker looking guys with fancy phones and bling clothing as well. Not a lot of women and children, but I guess they'll import them too eventually. Why with the Muslims is it all young men and the women and children only come later?

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  Anonymous wrote:

Already lost.
Western Europe is regressive.
The system collapses, the cities are getting dirtier and unsafe (especially for women and homosexual folk)… Freedom of speech is obstructed by violence, the city infrastructure is constantly attacked by protesters who burn, crash and destroy…
The conscious recycling evangelists cannot keep up with the trash in the streets…
Every major event and social gathering comes with security risks and concerns regarding terrorist attacks…
somehow Berliners are supporting it.
There are open calls on social media for gathering to destroy and disrupt events and venues…
There is no real peace. Tension, conflict, hate, fear and intolerance are the new norm…

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  Anonymous wrote:

Mimimi Muslims Mimimi Muslims Mimimi Muslims

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  Anonymous wrote:

Dude, if you like the Muslims so much go fuckk one. It might help them integrate a bit since no one else is or will ever voluntarily willing to go anywhere near them. That's part of why they resort to gangrape. You could be part of the solution.

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  Anonymous wrote:

It‘s not Muslims per se. It’s the leeching opportunists who breed like rabbits for the weird reasons (taking over the West and bring Allah over it and poop ideologies like that), the ones that just take space and resources from society without giving anything back… plus, making it hostile for everyone else who is not part of their tribe. The openly Islamists…
Plenty of Muslims who are decent people, trying to live a free and fulfilling life, also fed up with their own leeches…
Tolerating Islamic terror is just not it…
They got too comfortable, also with the support of the useful idiots who have no personality whatsoever, so they create these social activist personas to feel relevant in their depressing, lonely, mere existence…

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  Anonymous wrote:

That's very close to what I say in more polite company when I'm trying to seem less fed up and disgusted with the Muslims than I actually am and trying to communicate and find common ground with people who don't agree with me while to at least admit that maybe, just maybe, that religion is garbage and welcoming millions of angry skulllfuckers with cumm coming out of their ears and Allah knocking around in their brain isn't the best idea.

Fortunately, Berlinhater is not polite company and a safe space, as the wokies say, to vent rage without trying to seem like a nice normal sane person.

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  Anonymous wrote:

If you think the function of churches in society is purely aesthetic, then you are precisely the reason that the entire third world is coming and being welcomed with open arms. Secular materialism allows this to happen.

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  Anonymous wrote:

pretty dumb stuff, why would secular materialists want lazy immigrants who live on welfare?

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  Anonymous wrote:

Churches are meant to brainwash people into retarded religions because they're too fucccking stupid not to rape and murder and generally fuccck each other over without those little stories. Interestingly, the Muslims don't even fuccking pay their church tax in Germany and instead their mosques are funded by Qatar and Turkey etc. to teach them how the the west is decadent but take the free flatscreen tvs and escooter vouchers and health care and schooling (i.e. daycare) for the idiot mongoloid babies your cousin shatt out of her female genitalia after you married and fuccked her.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Also, sorry, I shouldn't have used the outdated and racist term "Mongoloid" the describe Arabs. The fact is Mongols are actually far more likable, intelligent, hard working, and obviously have a less retarded religion than the Arabs and would generally be really good immigrants. So I didn't mean to compare the Muslim skullllfuckers Germany has chosen with Mongols. That's not fair to the Mongols.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Why is everything in Germany so ugly? Especially the environment and the people

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  Anonymous wrote:

Because Germans have no souls.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Also the heat plays a part. Theyre not used to it and they don't know how to deal with it, so when it's hot they all look and smell like overboiled cauliflower

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  Anonymous wrote:

Ugly and Depressing

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  Anonymous wrote:

What the hell is wrong with Germany?

I don't even mean the pedo here. There are always going to be weak fagggot mean attracted to little girls because they're possessed by demons and are literal retards, like 80 IQ mouth breathing subhumans. But why the hell do people only go to prison in Germany for Holocaust denial and calling people ugly trannies? This country is worse than the third world. Germany is cancer on the world

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  Anonymous wrote:

Look at the pedo in the pic. Pathetic retard wearing the same c&a sweater and stonewash jeans he wore on his first day of university 25 years ago, greasy hair. These guys are ALWAYS the biggest losers on earth. Hope he follows through with his suicide threats. World won't miss this piece of shit.

Be on the lookout for loser retards like this guy. Guaranteed to be some dumbfucker working 12 hrs a week and getting Wohngeld. Too many pedos here on the loose.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Who is morally superior? Racist white power guy who works for free to mentor his white neighbors and clean up his neighborhood OR whiny Antifa Guy who says he hates racism and transphobia but has never helped anyone in his life?

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  Anonymous wrote:

stfu weirdo

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  Anonymous wrote:

Make me, trаnny

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  Anonymous wrote:

Sugartits, with the mind of a disturbed autistic child, struggling with the big philosophical questions here

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  Anonymous wrote:

Focus niggerfaggots, which one is superior?

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  Anonymous wrote:

It's funny because I never even assumed you were white, Sugartits. I always just imagined you as some slimy skinny swarthy little Southern European type. Or perhaps a Mexican. If a Mexican, I definitely assumed you'd be a fat Mexican guy. Or are fat little Mexican guys getting into the white power movement now? Did some antifa guy with a cute dreadlocked girl at his side steel you haribo and call you a chonker? Is that your actual origin story and what lead to all the gender dysmorphia and getting a black eye for trying to cruise on the banks of the Bosphorus?

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  Anonymous wrote:

I'm not the sugartits guy, quit being gay.

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  Anonymous wrote:

To answer your question, they're both wankerrs but more importantly who the even fuckk cares? I haven't heard anyone talking about antifa in ages except on here.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Bro there was literally a huge brawl between Neonazis and antifas at Ostkreuz like 5 days ago. If you don't read any news and are a shut-in then of course you have no idea what is going on.

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  Anonymous wrote:


Why are reddit Germans so retarded? They legalized weed already (which is stupid an unnecessary as it was basically decriminalized already). Now these idiot want to be allowed to smoke it around kids. Why can't miserable lowlifes just go into the woods and be degenerates amongst themselves? Why do they demand to be fcking degenerates in civilized society? 10000 comments saying "urmmmm wow they gonna do it for alcohol now too???" They sure as hell should. In fact, just throw all Alkis who can't control their Liquor straight into jail. Germany could be such a decent, bearable place if all these weak shits would be street swept away.

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  Anonymous wrote:

"wow this k of the slippery slope" lol so rich from a kraut. Did you numbskulls think of that when you invented hate speech laws that make it illegal for me to call you all dickless retards? Of course not. Most Germans really need to be called that though, probably slapped too.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Germans get extremely and u rationally angry at me when I tell them I don't recycle. Like at work we have separate bins for recyclables and I never use them. I just throw everything in the Restmüll. Germans constantly try to explain the stupid system and every time I say "I understand how it works, but I just don't recycle". They are always so mad but can't do anything about it.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Cool...but you have a coherent reason why you don't recycle? That's not laziness or just being contrarian? It's true a lot of it doesn't actually even get recycled in the end and it is one of those things that gives Germans menial tasks to fill their empty lives to provide them with a sense of meaning and purpose since only the state can do that for them, but still it's not exactly hard to go through the very basics with glass at least. Glass is where my own efforts end though usually.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Recycling is pointless. Most plastics can't actually be recycled, they're just "thermally recycled" AKA burned. It's moral theater to make Germans forget their 2nd grade descendants of Nazis.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Yes sure I agree largely. But glass?

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  Anonymous wrote:

Jesus, why are Germans going insane over the Turkish players doing the wolf hand symbol? Why are Germans so obsessed with such stupid bullshit? Is this some kind of weird repressed mysticism? Do they believe this will summon the gods of nationalism and uproot all self hatred and learned helplessness the Germans have fought so hard to promote? Do they think hand gestures are a form of memetic mind control? Literally never once heard of this until a week ago, now discussions everywhere. So weird how Germans are basically plugged straight into state media for all of their opinions.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Because it's associated with an Islamofascist death squad terrorist organization and because many Germans are uncomfortable with their government's decision to import millions of Muslims to come and colonize it and convert them to Islam? Or do you support that sort of thing?

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  Anonymous wrote:

Fuckingg Krautt Hurensöhne . So Happy they are out!!!

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  Anonymous wrote:

I guess you're hoping the Muslims will assign you a slave wife and you'll finally get to wet your little penis for the first time?

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  Anonymous wrote:

Seek Help you ugly hussy stop you Muslim fetish now

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  Anonymous wrote:

It's not even illegal to call yourself a Nazi in Germany. Why the hell is it illegal to show the wolf sign or a Nazi salute? Truly idiotic magical thinking. It's the same as saying your support whatever group. They scared people are going to be drawn in by the cringe metal sign? Truly retarded nation.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Haha Get Out Krautz ! THANK YOU SPAIN !!!!!

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  Anonymous wrote:

Haha Sad Krautt Faces everywhere

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  Anonymous wrote:

Why ist everybody so freaking unattractive literally ugly af in this City Bro.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Because all German women are genetic abominations. Who else can they give birth to.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Are they? They tend to be either painfully boring, uptight and dressed like 60-year old women or unwashed, dressed exactly the same in what that signals to all the other identical boring people just like them that they are original thinkers and artistic souls and very cool and so on, so either way just a complete flop in terms of personality and identity, but on a purely physical level I think they look pretty good overall.

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  Anonymous wrote:

German men are generally nicely built.
Unfortunately, german women look like men too.

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  Anonymous wrote:

High testosterone, big clittts. They stick their fingers up your butthole and after they've fucccked you you feel like you've been used.

It is what it is. And it's not the worst thing in the world.

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  Anonymous wrote:

So much cringe here. Nude pictures of 13-16 year olds. Weird sex questions by people pretending to be kids. Germany never really processed this period, they just try to pretend it never happened. It's one of the many examples of how Germany is just purely evil. No further need for explanation. Germans are stupid and evil.


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  Anonymous wrote:

Maybe their long-standing love of pedophilia is why the country has chosen to convert to Islam over the next century.

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