I just feel like such a huge failure for ending up with a job in Berlin. I don't know whether to abandon my career or stick out this awful place. I can't stand being associated with all the filth and decay of Berlin.
I thought it was just me, and after living in Berlin/traveling throughout this Country for one year, I can honestly say…these people are the WORST. Everything that it said in this forum is true to a fault. There's a reason that no one likes the Germans…even the more Well Traveled and 'Cultured' of the lot can't stand their own. To the point that I will now only associate with Germans that live in Germany Seasonally. These "Part Time" Germans are the ones that: have a real Education, speak Multiple Languages (including Business English), have rewarding Creative careers, and are Sophisticated enough to hold real conversations and are capable of Critical Thought.
Then there are the "Full Time" Germans. These sorry pieces of White Trash are the ones that; have never left their little Dorfs until University, think Berlin is the center of the Universe, have never had more than ONE type of employment or none, think EVERYTHING German is better, have the Social Skills and Charm of Mayonnaise, speak only one language…and expects even Tourist to know it FLUENTLY. These are the type of Germans that are giving the Country a bad name. As far as the History…WHO CARES?!!!!! There's a Starbucks within walking distance from almost every Jewish/German Memorial…our friend 'History'…she aint present. Can we just freaking get over it and join this Century?! Nope. Because Change, Progression, Motivation are abstract concepts to Automatons. The mere thought of these tangible Ideals would mean that maybe…just maybe…the current Mentality is wrong.
And we ALL know that these fuckers HATE being Wrong.
This is why they won't ever change, this is why they fear Modernization, Gentrification, Globalization and Multiculturalism. It's because they have become so darn marginalized to the point that they cannot ADAPT. They are a dying Breed…just look at the numbers Birth/Suicide/Depression/Obesity/Mobility/Wages, all indicative of a people that are skating on the edge of annihilation. (Karma is a female dog no?) I've seen more protest for Refugees in Berlin than I have seen for Fair Wages. How in the world do these people exist in this Century?!
They are annoying, whiny, miserable, complacent, FAT, obsessed, uncouth, classless, and HORRIBLY unimaginative. For a place that prides itself on Order & Organization…these people are either slobs or Hoarders. I have YET to have been into a Full Time Germans' home and felt at ease. And I honestly believe that 'Furniture' is a bourgeois concept in Berlin, along with Style, Grace, and Cadence. Nothing these people do make sense. From their horrid lifestyles and Tastes, to their Values and Priorities. EVERYTHING is a Contradiction with Germans. They want Privacy…yet keep their noses in other peoples business. They want Freedom…yet everyone should think the "German Way". They are Over-educated to the point of Stupidity.
Even the most destitute from the poorest Countries have enough sense to know how to milk this Country for what it's worth…then LEAVE. And I cant think of a more deserving group of people. Germany SUCKS.
Fantastic post i think this just about sums up the most part about Berlin /Germans. Most people who stay are sheep who are afraid to leave until the media hype industry focusses its spotlight on somewere else as being the "So called hip place to live". All very mediocre, boring, dull, depressing and dissapointing a place.
Make it everyones new year resolution to tell your friends the truth about what a dissapointing miserable place berlin is to live because of the germans.
If you grow up in berlin,you become to a Misantroph.
The absolute insanity that any idiot over the age of 14 is allowed to buy "New Year's Eve" fireworks...
In less barbaric countries feminists burn bras, here they burn children!
German women listen up:
Unless you have the firm supple body of a 19 year old (not to be confused with that of a malnourished Berliner skank), an androgynous look, and a cute twinkle in your eye, you probably don't want to choose short hair.
It does not make you look more professional, just horrendously unattractive.
It is possible to be taken serious, whilst maintain the appearance of a woman!
I don't get it, the people are in far too much of a hurry to waste time on niceties such as smiling, chatting or please and thank you, yet they walk so freaking slowly on the streeys , constantly stopping. And why the hell do they bump into one another so much.... I blame it on their lack of consideration for (or plain awareness of) others
Life amongst germans is as miserable, humourless ,agressive and unfriendly as films and TV led me to believe... quite why I'm so surprised that its true escapes me, but I really am amazed that the majority of the population actually fits the stereotypical german role perfectly... including the laughable evil accents....
Loving the recent comments here all reminds me of how i felt when i lived there. It took me 2 years to finally pluck up the courage to pack up and sell up and get out after last winters miserable illegitimate child berliners, counting my blessings iam not there again this year. Good luck guys and spread the word to any other gullible people who still think that berlin is the coolest most cultural cheap place on the planet.
Berlin is just a collection of Villages. They dont ever want real growth. why else do they cling to their pathetic History? Why else would they all run to this little city? Its because they dont want change...they cant handle their OWN tradition, they want to live in their insipid and marginalized Island of Dog crap and Nettos. Even their language is a joke. The Russians should have finished the job and wiped them out.
The speed of train ticket machines has to shock anyone.
Simply the paramount of the German engineering standard, they must have been so poop German-deep in details that they must have forgotten all the machine needs to do is to fuckin' print. And it never came across their minds that the bills might change in the future.
It will take another quarter of a century for them to get here or will never;
the most dismal grim humorless joyless city i know... i am here way too long going on 5 years. thank god for my foreign friends here, you save my life with your humor and wit, sensitivity and common sense. terms germans/berliners have yet to be acquainted with.
why are there no all night supermarkets and why is everything closed on sundays. the counter argument to which that prides itself on an anti-capitalist stance is as bogus as the anarchist punks begging for money in the subway.
most restaurants suck too. berliners indulge with greedy eyes when they are served large portions of tastless slagged slosh you would not serve in a gulag.
and why is the only semi decent fish you can buy here salmon?
this is a rant, i know. thank you for bearing with me and thank you for this website.
Well said had the need before to female dog about a city or its inhabitants before as i do Berlin / German. Spread the word its a horribel miserable unhealthy place to live, be brave and Fruck it off and move it slowly the sheep will go back home when the bottom falls out of the Techno club scene in the next couple of years.
Nothing cool about living in berlin being a cultured person I felt culturally starved and unstimulated, very disapointing place.