The Hipsters, Writers, Artists, NeoSocialists, Anti-Capitalists that actually think that being Poor...makes them a Minority. Sometimes I just want to stick a Coca Cola branded carrot up their a**es to get these whiny little vaginas to shut up.
My god what male genitalia came up with the name hipsters / it/they are non existant there isnt such thing. In berlin all you see are sad people from poop countries who come to berlin hoping for some kind of party or cultural utopia only to be very dissapointed with the effort the germans make which is near zero.
What about the bus drivers? How the hell can we get them to change their attitude? I have seen them smile only when they can sit in their warm buses 10 meters from the stop while ten people shiver in the -20 degree weather because they are on their break... Or when there is a puddle near the stop, they drive through it and soak everyone then stop ten meters past the stop to make everyone walk. This is seriously the only times they smile... wtf? What can we do to change their miserable attitudes?
Brillliant this page if youve ended up here it means there are many more that feel the way we do about this awful miserable cack hole called Berlin.
Looking forward to leaving Berlin, been discontented here for far too long but will have to stick it out for another year.
I have a question... what can I do to stop my neighbor from complaining and being a female dog about everything I do? She bangs on the ceiling if I tiptoe around, she shuts the door in my face if I am carrying shopping up the walk and basically just goes out of her way to make my life difficult, all I ever did was smile and introduce myself. wtf? Need help, I can't live like this
I commiserate with you wholeheartedly...I've lived here for 5 years (& am married to a German) and still can't get my head around the unbelievable rudeness & childish behaviour of 3/4 of the locals I have the had the displeasure to deal with.
Unfortunately there is nothing you can do to make them pleasant to be around. It is simply a sad fact of Berlin culture that cannot change until the locals learn that you definitely "catch more flies with sugar than sh*t". What I have discovered though is that most of these bitter, sour-faced people are cowards at heart & will back down when faced with a taste of their own medicine.
Theres nothing you can do wherever you go and live in berlin specially the east women neighbours will complain about noise at home as berlin from now the second week of october until the end of march about noise. Everything is reduced to the level of a whisper and at home yoyu have to act like a sneak thief or like you say your female german neighbour will be banging on your ceiling at any time of the day, any day. You are better living in the west were people have a little more money and work so of course are a little happier and lees likely to constantly moan. Good luck personally I hated the place its the complaining German women that most people from other places that live there have problems with.
Yeah i had it from every female german neighbour I had about the noise banging on the ceiling 4 oclock on a saturday afternoon If i was walking too loud or playing music not very loud. Everyone I know in berlin has had the same problems with neighbours complaining. Like I say it always starts the 2nd week of october until the end of march/april that german female neighbours complain about anything and all the more excuse if your not german.
Kill em with kindness ha.
I introduced myself to both my female neighbour s I had on both occasions and things were fine until the second week of october when berlin falls into depression and the deep depressing silence prevails for the next 5 and a half months. Its then when they start complaining about any sound that makes you noticable that you exist. German women have serious issues with themselves and how they interact being around men, iam surprised there isnt social housing purely for women in Berlin.
It's actually not such a horrible city...its just the Germans that F***ed it up. Whats sad is that they think its the Expats thats destroying it...when in actuality, Immigrants and Expats are whats bringing LIFE to this pissy, jobless, dark miserable little Village.
It is a sad life the expats bring though as they are mostly cast offs and "artists" from places in the world with real artists. So they came to Berlin because poop art sells here and because they can feel important amongst a bunch of other cast-off idiots. In actuality it is a horrible combination of depressed boring natives and useless "can't make it anywhere else" expat losers that make this place a right pie-hole.
I totally agree its a big depressing SHI? HOLE Iam glad I gave up the place and moved. I feel sorry for those having to go through another 5 months of absolute depressing daily misery caused by not so much the weather but the atmosphere created by the germans in berlin. What the fornicate do you do to survive for the next 5 months. The food is ab shite and in the snow which is on the way supermarket shopping is a pain in the butt if you can motivate yourself out of your depression to cook.
I hate Berlin because the girl im in love with lives in Berlin. Im from Toronto, Canada btw.
It all starts around now in when you live in Berlin, get the Prozak ready.
Never been more dissapointed with a place than berlin. What is the fuss all about, theres nothing to do or see there, the art gallery are terrible for a capital city, the clubs like anywhere else. The bars depressing and dismal, the food the worst ive seen anywhere. The weather bloody awful. The People depressing complainers, So whats it got thats good about it ?.
It's Fall, you know what that means: Green Parka, skinny jeans with unlaced boots. Green Parka, skinny jeans with unlaced boots. Green Parka Skinny Jeans with unlaced boots...BLUE parka, skinny jeans and unlaced boots. Blue Parka, Skinny Jeans with unlaced boots...
Never known another city to envoke so much hate and dissatisfaction as Berlin. Thought I guess theres still plenty of gullible lazy kids from boring places still excited about the place and the Old sheep are stuck here until another Shepherd makes the brave move and moves the flock somewhere new. Game over Berlin.
Right now, I hate EVERYTHING about Berlin!!!
Garbage... after being here for a number of years you just kind of get used to the smell of stale urine in every doorway or semi-secluded place, the wrappers, cigarette butts and discarded Donerfleisch littering the walkways of every corner of the city. Even the "nice" areas are the same to only a slightly lesser degree. When you go to a really nice city, the contrast is almost shocking. Cities where people care not to live in constant filth. Walk through Tierpark, a supposedly beautiful green inner city park and find more discarded condoms and wrappers per square meter than the bin behind a popular house of ill-repute. If you stay too long this kind of thing becomes normal. Is that really what you want to get used to? The garbage is just the tip of the iceberg. God I hate this city, rotten to the core.
GET OUT NOW WHILE YOU CAN- If you think the summer was bad wait for the next 6-8 months my god what a depressing freezing, silent dark poop hole Berlin is. The German faces start to drop, the women start to moan and the freeze sets in.
I didn't think it were possible to be in your 30's and still: Lack Social Skills, Own no decent clothing, carry a NOKIA mobile phone, have NEVER lived alone, have only worked ONE job, have no hobbies and no Sense of Humor. <<<This is the standard in Berlin.
Honestly, Berlin is a shithole!!! I am pissed more ppl dont tell the truth, these brooklyn hipster wannabes have NOTHING on NYC! Please do yourself a favor and stay out. Dumb broke ignorant ppl. You lost the war twice, suck it up and stop being so shitty. No partying here, its disgusting, stay away
I agree the sheep that are trapped there are afraid to tell it like it is. Afraid to leave because their other sheep friends are trapped there too. Afraid to offend the media as it may damage their artistic career / reputation. Its one big boring depressing poop hole with NOTHING TO DO. There is no culture. Just 2 types of people. The sheepish international party crowd who are from boring small places and the boring local depressing German Berliners.
Indifference mistaken for tolerance and freedom. Summer's over. I am so not looking forward to another 8 months of grey skies, grey faces, grey attitudes. Bleh! Please kill me now!