
There are plenty of reasons to despise this filth ridden city. What bothers you most?

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2 of 3 people agree with this  

  Anonymous wrote:

that you live there and not here :)

1 of 1 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

i hate that hell yeah

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7 of 7 people agree with this  

  Pablo wrote:

I just returned from a trip to California where we had 30 days of sun to one day of clouds and rain... here in Berlin it is the opposite... no?

3 of 3 people agree with this  
  Love it where the sun don't shine wrote:

Well semen back AssHole!

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8 of 8 people agree with this  

  Anonymous wrote:

Pankstrasse junkies

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8 of 9 people agree with this  

  Love and Hate wrote:

I love this page and hate Berlin!

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14 of 16 people agree with this  

  Motzer wrote:

why are the clubs in berlin so unspeakingly uncool?

0 of 0 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

All grungy Cakholes..

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3 of 10 people agree with this  

  Anonymous wrote:

The girls, if I ask one out she goes like "you chauvinistic pig, do you think I'm up for sale?" In other cities just get her a nice ring and she's yours! SIMPLE HOW IT SHOuLD BE

9 of 13 people agree with this  
  Petra wrote:

I'm glad to hear, that girls are not that cheap - and give you the right answer! - But you can learn from that ...

18 of 18 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Berlin women are uptight and overly aggressive.. it is a fact! The German men are getting manliness classes to learn how to cope with them (government sponsored)... so so sad

7 of 7 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Even the most "physically attractive german girl" gives me that sour bitter taste in my mouth. Its the depressing language and accent mixed with the awful food and weather that turns me right off.

3 of 3 people agree with this  
  Yournameonasackofrice wrote:

Yeah you're right, "physically attractive german girl" is an inappropriate term. "Hot bitch" should be used instead. Haha, sorry, had to do this, I'm so fed up with these brainwashed overly pc idiots (of both sexes of course, or genders, or wtf).

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1 of 3 people agree with this  

  Anonymous wrote:

the baddest currywurst i have eaten there :)

7 of 7 people agree with this  
  Shane wrote:

what is currywurst anyway? It's just sausage ketchup and curry...

5 of 5 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Yes its like human DOG FOOD and they feckin love it...

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1 of 2 people agree with this  

  Anonymous wrote:

in the zoo, it smells very bad, to the animals live there :)

11 of 11 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

of all the things wrong with this place, you pick the zoo?

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  Domistfair wrote:

to less hotels with a single bathroom,
to many guys have you an euro,
the german politicians live there

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  Peggy from Cali wrote:

Severed heads hanging from balconies, I mean...really?

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3 of 7 people agree with this  

  Anonymous wrote:

i hate angela merkel i want to buy a i dont like angela button

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4 of 10 people agree with this  

  Fucker wrote:

I fornicate in Berlin a lot, but it has little else to offer

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3 of 6 people agree with this  

  HansFratz wrote:

Berlin is a freaking cheap German hussy

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6 of 10 people agree with this  

  Anonymous wrote:


0 of 0 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

*all of berlin

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18 of 18 people agree with this  

  Cynthia (from Bristol too) wrote:

The hater haters... if I want to female dog about Berlin, I don't want all the lovers hating on me and trying to convince me it is a nice place... jerks

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