Remember when you’re a kid and watch all the Nazi movies and then they’re like screaming but then you live in Germany and realize they’re just like that and start to see it as normal? Yeah…
Why do Germans love to mention their Leistungsfach from Abitur? Who cares? Wow you learned physics at a slightly higher level than other 16 year olds. Congratulations.
You know how in school there was always some nice but kind of dumb teacher's pet girl who would ask a lot of painfully dumb questions and then get perfect grades because the they thought this meant she was engaged with the lessons even though she didn't really absorb anything or know anything except how to be eager and ask dumb questions?
It's like that on a societal level.
Germany is completely fake so I have zero doubt these teacher's pets are successful but highly incompetent. I'm not from a society where it would have even been possible to give a student good grades purely because you like them (anonymized exams for example) so this phenomenon doesn't exist where I am from to the extent it does here.
just came on here to say Germans are rather stupid. I can't understand why they think they are so advanced. Please explain one advanced thing about this country
I'm going crazy with all the Germans saying how terrible the Muslims are because of teh Xmas market attack. OK, I agree that Muslims are terrible brainwashed morons, but worse are Zionist Jews. How did everyone forget all the anomalies of the other Xmas market a few years ago. No ine seems to question anything anymore. Remember that Saudi Arabia is part of the Greater Israel project, and pretty soon, the west will join Israel to bomb the crap out of Saudi, just like other countries in the Greater Israel Project area, like Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and soon Iran. Then it will be Turkey. And all the Germans will go along with them, why? because Muslims attacked our sacred Xmas market. Just remember to always be skeptical about everything reported on MainStreamMedia news. Try to see the bigger picture, and also remember that Zionist Jews control most of the world's media. They control the narrative on the fake Oct 7 attack, there was no attack, no beheaded babies, no hostages, no nothing, just excuses to further the Greater Israel Project into Gaza and West Bank. 9/11 was a controlled demolition, but Zionist Jew media still brainwashes us with rhetoric to blame muslims. IT'S ALL BULLSHITTT, stop being fooled. QUESTION EVERYTHING. Yes, EVERYTHING.
Merry Christmas & Happy Hannukah, everyone!
Some muslims are just heinous. Just today I saw plenty of hateful comments on a Hanukkah social media post.
Plenty of Jews in Germany have stopped openly posting their candles and bluntly hiding their Jewishness in fear of being targeted and attacked…
So ja… Islam sucks a bag of dix… and more.
Dangerous bunch of brainswashed idiots in a cult of blood and terror…
Was on the bus last night, while half of the bus was empty, a german woman approaches me and wanted to sit on the seat where my heavy backpack is on. I said there are plenty of seats free. She yelled back at me in german, just stayed there doesn't want to move. I feel a bit uncomfortable and moved back, heard her daughter saying "Spinnst du Mama?!"(are you crazy mama?) and her saying "Bescheuert!" (retarded!). I am very sure she was angry about the fact that I didn't want to leave my seat, I mean normally on a bus you seat wherever is free right? It seems to Germans it's not like that.
She wanted to point out that seats are not for backpacks… In a traditional passive-aggressive way. That’s the deal.
Either way, backpacks should not be on seats. I get that. Ever. Or on someone’s back in public transport…
It’s a matter of habit. Really.
If you start keeping the backpack in your hand between your legs in public transport or you stop using sears for backpacks ( even when empty) you’ll never be an jerk getting yelled at (because Germans will not tell you nicely or politely).
More and more I respect the Arabs for how they treat Germany: just take as much as you can from it. Take every possible form of government assistance and then get an illegal side job. Spend most of your money at business run by other Arabs where they avoid paying taxes on their profits. Sure, some things require dealing with German-owned business, like when you need to use your yearly free flat screen tv voucher, but mostly you can avoid it and should. Let the economy rot and die and create a side economy where, if nothing else, it is a more fair version of capitalism that doesn't prop of failing business owned by dynasties that are incapable of competing in any fair competition.
The Germans thought they were being so smart and scheming by importing millions of poor Arabs, thinking they'd do all the hard labor in the country and be thankful. Classic expression of the German mentality, in which half of society is just openly mean and wants to exploit while the other half is naive retarded flower children who want to feel like Jesus saviors for the savages and virtue signal about it while secretly feeling superior to them but not even being self-aware enough to recognize that.
And in theory, with a little more moderation and planning, the plan could've worked even, except the Germans are so fuckking stupid and naive that the Arabs run all over them. And frankly at this point I'm inclined to think good for the Arabs.
The problem from the Arabs' side is that there seems to be something in the Arab soul that gets overly excited about their pedo-prophet and can't take things at a pace as slow as the Germans. They're from places where things blow up all the time and stuff gets done. Dictators come and go, marketplaces filled with innocent people get blown up and then come back the next week and you buy a beautiful pomegranate on the same spot where some kid lost a leg. Things are happening in other words. Then they come here and nothing is happening. Rot and stagnation are slow. Go collect you payments from the government, go to the job center to listen to some pig-faced retard tell you how you really must try harder to find a job and assimilate into society. Then afterwards you're feeling glum and so you go sniff some cheap Arab perfume samples at a shop in Neukolln and reminisce about how your uncle Ahmed once stabbed a man in the neck in the Kabul bazaar just for saying maybe Aisha had actually already gone through puberty when Mohammed started violently penetrating her. The older generation, they lived differently, you know? Things were happening back then. So you start getting a little excited about that, and you're walking home and the scent of the cheap perfume is still in your nostrils, invigorating you, and you walk past a Christmas market where the whites are stuffing cheap pork sausages into their faces, and you start getting ideas, start stroking that knife in your pocket and thinking maybe it's time, maybe a little glory to end the monotony of this soul-crushing life in this soul-crushing country.
But don't do it, Arab. That is my advice to you. Instead, take your government payout for that month and go visit a brothel. Let off some steam. Probably there are special brothels in town where you can say you're Palestininian and they'll give you a discount to fuccck some hairy Spanish woman with red triangle tattoos and call her an infidel because her kink is post-colonial consensual consensual Hamas play or something. Let off the steam and go home. Wake up, go collect your next government check, do the leg work and wait.
The country is dying on its own and patience is a virtue. It's yours, you just have to wait.
I used to dislike muslims for not integrating and missbehaving. After years of being treated like poop by Germans (I'm a Christian myself) I finally understood why so many foreigners there stick to their own and act with violence against the native population. Suits them all well.
A bit! Nearly a decade in Berlin at this point, and it has definitely done some damage.
Didn't really think about Arabs at all before I came though or have any opinions about them at all. Even spent some time in the Middle East. Living in Berlin changed all that.
And whenever I visited their countries I behaved accordingly. If I hadn't, they'd have beaten the shittt out of me right on the street. But since I voluntarily chose to visit their countries, I accepted those rules.
They don't do that here. They colonize.
Ended up having to wait for an hour for a friend yesterday because his train was late. Whatever it happens I don't really care. I waited at a shopping center that was open, so I just sat and drank coffee. What struck me was that at least 30% of people I saw were visibly retarded or drunk or junkies. Hardly any normal people around. And there was a nice sitting area in the shopping center with several benches that was occupied by a bunch of homeless people that I could smell 20 meters away. And of course the ubiquitous guy mumbling threats under his breath as he walked around aimlessly. And the retard German yelling at everyone around because the rotating door doesn't work right.
Wonder what kind of person just drove their car through the Magdeburg Christmas Market injuring 100 people. Guess I'll wait for the police to tell us because there's just no way to make an educated guess as to what kind of person would do that
I admit my first thought was racist: I just assumed it was a Muslim from Afghanistan or Syria, but in fact it was a Muslim from Saudi Arabia.
This is why you shouldn't make assumptions about entire groups of people. You wind up looking like a racist asss like me right now. Not a good look.
But but but but… the press said he is not a radicalised muslim, but radicalised politically…
I am sure it’s just a coincidence that it was at a Christmas market, during Christmas time. Nothing to do with stealing a moment of joy and celebration branded by Christ(mas)ians, you racist pigs…
Just casually stealing lives on a Friday evening to vent frustration at the German gov.
Hijabi women are some of the most batshit hateful cwnts you can imagine sometimes… Especially the ones who came here from some 3rd idiot and got radicalised by local communities.
The police will do even less about them…
Fuck Islam overall. ex, current and future.
My god, all the people posting here are naive. This is another false flag trap set by Zionist Jews to make an excuse to go into Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Syria,Turkey and other muslim countries, to fulfil their BS claim to Greater Israel. Wake up. Remember all the inconsisitencies in the last Xmas market 'attack'. Stop watching MainStreamMedia, and look up Greater Israel Project.
Let's leave spitting and attacking random women to the Muslims, retard. If we wind up acting like stupid barbarians just like they do, who the fuccck cares if Europe offers itself to Allah?
Banning the Muslim head coverings would be a good start, as would severely cutting back on Muslim migration and sending those who violate local laws back to whatever desert shitthole they came from would be a good start.
But attacking women--even stupid Muslim slave women--is not ok.
muslims behave in usa because they'll get shot if they dont gerrman gayboiz depend on gay bundespolizei
germans need guns to protect against terror but they are too faggoty to change
physicallt slappiung german feminists is totallt ok, they want it and deserve it
Also don't really want to imagine all the crazy fucccking German methheads I see all over with guns.
Plus Germans are so fucccking clumsy and confused and spatially unaware that they'd probably shoot themselves in the foot every time they step off a bus. Really easy to imagine that scene.
German society seems to still be set up according to GDR standards. That is to say, every interaction is engineered to make you hate everyone else as much as humanly possible. I nlonger believe the West won the Cold war.
Recently noticed I internally consider Germans to be subhumans. Makes life easier actually. When they're chimping out somewhere you don't really care anymore and kind of ignore them. Like a Chihuahua with a muzzle. Completely harmless and only slightly annoying. I don't even get mad anymore really. Just roll your eyes and ignore them and carry on with your day. With few exceptions they have absolutely no influence over me.
Yesterday some German woman boarded the ubahn in front of me and then stopped for no reason, as they often do, blocking the path so I sort of pushed my way past to get onto the train. She was barking angrily, I assumed at me but didn't really care, until I realized she was talking on the phone through headphones. That's when I understood that it didn't impact my reaction at all either way. Even if she were barking directly at me I'd have perceived it the same way as her barking into the phone at someone else. Background noise from a background person who has no impact whatsoever on me or my life. Like the sound of rain or traffic. White noise that's always there in any big city.
"Failed empire syndrome that is ubiquitous in Europe sadly. A bunch of ugly homos resting on centuries old laurels. Go enjoy your median tasteful home in England that is full of mold because you retards never learned the wonders of 20th century heating and ventilation and good luck not getting arrested for saying you wish immigration would be reduced by 1% over 15 years. Big gay wih a female estrogen profile, probably from sucking so much week old German dickcheese at Berghain. Go Back to reddit nigger."
So in other words, Abdul from Sudan ripped your white a/s/s/hole open and you can't stop thinking about it, not even long enough to change your tampon, sad-as/sed honky fa/g/got.
Is this Sugartits' adopted Palestinian baby quoting him?
Incredible. They grow up so fast.
Also everyone knows that the gays are about the only men in Berlin with high testosterone. The Arabs are kind of included in that group too, except they're just sort of fagggots who are afraid of women rather than powerful alpha-male gays fucccking each other up each other's hairy asssholes. Still, much higher testosterone than your average Stefan.
Can someone explain to me the german woman's fashion sense, it looks terrible, I don't see how men find this attractive? And their standards are so low they're like "mmm sex!" so stupid. Maybe they don't demand anything from men because they truly cannot lookng this way
German men are all kind of autistic. Probably why so many are homos. They discovered the shortcut to having sex is to do it with men. They're not really even real homos. Just men that are so horny they'd have sex with anyone. Many such cases here. Sexual demon possession is real and endemic in Berlin. It's also why the Nazis came to power specifically here. And yeah German women are boars but that's a different story altogether.
Gerd Janson = old butt patriarch that hur hur bully auslander with his hag women friends and cheats on his wife constantly and act the doucheeeeeeeeee
Because of some friends I have known one girl born here basically since birth. She just entered primary school here year before last. Since then her personality has changed completely. She used to love talking to strangers and having fun (I go to a lot of social gatherings with her family so I saw her interacting with hundreds of strangers or loose acquaintances over the years). Now she is completely withdrawn and it takes hours for her to relax enough to joke around. She is also already extremely stressed out about school even though she is in only 2nd grade because she already needs to perform well enough to be abitiur-bound. I am sure some of this is just growing up and becoming self conscious but this transformation seems really sudden. Her parents are both not German and she was previously about 10000% more social than German kids. If you're a parent here then you'll know what I mean. German kids are very particular.