
There are plenty of reasons to despise this filth ridden city. What bothers you most?

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  Anonymous wrote:

People can be some nasty little fuckers. They foul all the time. You just feel something and they take it personal and they freaking start spitting at you metaphorically. I was buying some things and I said "whatever" as the way that I felt about the stuff somebody did, the deal he was making. I was really feeling like that. I didn't have an intention to sucker punch. And I type the pin and he sucker punches me, saying to type it while I already did. Because there was no need I would have my guard up. He shud have no business sucker punching. Because it's bad karma for him. I am not responsible for the way he felt. He actually acted like "whatever", no care, and I said "whatever" to this. That WAS the karma. Then he think he can sucker punch. It confused me. I resisted to reply and collected myself back. Because he followed up the sucker. In the moment of confusion he said. You don't need the receipt right? phrasing it that way provoking a brainfart of No to literally suck. I snapped back. Don't need the receipt. Just pushed him away literally. He replied a friendly bye (brainfart) to it which I naturally ignored because I just snapped and was off. This little poop you just underestimate, no sane human has on his radar. Otherwise I'd say Shut!, the f.uck up. right when he says the first word because I know what he will say. Or something light. Cause it just little poop. I mean seriously, this is not very high haha

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  Anonymous wrote:

Are you serious about this? Meaningless stuff like that hurts you so much? Poor little snowflake.

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  Anonymous wrote:

I actually like it better to not figure them out. I do not recommend what I wrote. The guy who replied not seem to have understanding. I didn't even write that it hurt me hahaha. I didn't even say that and it didn't. I was just confused. He might not actually had a bad intention, so who knows.

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  Anonymous wrote:

What a load of meaningless blather!

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  Anonymous wrote:

Fuk you!! effort: lsjdklfjdklgjfkljgklfj

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  Anonymous wrote:

LOL!!!!!!! You F_king Moron - underdeveloped freak from the circus of horrors!

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  Anonymous wrote:

I think I finally understand now. I was at a friend's birthday party last night and ended up having to sit next to some random German girl. Tried to make small talk like you do at parties and, of course, the German was incapable and decided instead to laser focus her attention on the fact that I'm American so she could drag out all her cliches and stereotypes. Guns, violence, prudishness, Donald Trump. I'm pretty used to this actually and it doesn't make me mad or ashamed or anything; it's just tiresome. Anyway, at some point she said something like "Oh, but I don't mean people like you. I've found that Americans who have been outside of the U.S. are generally decent people." Since I'd been looking for a change of topic anyway, I asked "So where have you been in the U.S.?" She laughed sardonically and said she would never travel to the U.S., especially not under Trump. I asked her how then could she know how Americans who have never been abroad are. She said something like "Of course everyone knows how they are from television" and got really defensive. The thing is, her logic is clearly and demonstrably flawed, but I'm sure immediately afterwards when we parted ways and she retold the story that I was somehow the buffoon because I didn't just agree with her without reservation. Everything here seems that way in this culture steeped in uniform, unquestionable dogma. I was never particularly patriotic before I moved here, but I'm really starting to fully recognize the superiority of a nation with actual measurable diversity of opinion.

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  Anonymous wrote:

I have been to the USA, many times, and I do think there are a lot of dumb people there, but they are not the ones wearing the MAGA hats, the dumbest are the ones wearing the PussyHats. Left-wing people including AntiFa fascist thugs are the most stupid people I've ever met in my life, but left-wing Germans are a very close second.

Left wing people are so preictable, they bore you within a minute of talking to them, they don't have an original thought in their brainwashed heads.

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  Anonymous wrote:

I don't disagree and I wouldn't argue that there are no dumb people in the U.S., but I'm struck by the ignorance of supposedly educated people (the girl I was talking to had a M.A. in communication and I honestly don't even know why she mentioned it to me).

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  Anonymous wrote:

Germans are boring. Why do you want to communicate with an opposite sex german anyway??,

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  Anonymous wrote:

She was whitelieing. She really not mean people like you. And she probly not even mean to talk all this stuff as she did at least. She just got afraid that it would appear as if she means people like you, by this fear, and then said that while at the same time she was just afraid to say such a thing to you. She lost the plot. Her fear meant to not say this because it was clear to you, wasn't it? You didn't feel she means you. You could actually said, "don't worry, I know what you mean" I guess

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  Anonymous wrote:

Oh wait you probably couldn't lol because she was probly acting way different than I just imagined.

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  Anonymous wrote:

OMG, an M.A., no wonder she acted like a know-it-all jerk-off. I bet she also attended women's studies and gender studies courses, with men-hating homosexual professors. She's just a typical Berliner with a narcissisitic, superiority complex, it's in their genes.

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  Anonymous wrote:

"Germans are boring. Why do you want to communicate with an opposite sex german anyway??,"
That's a valid question. I actually have come to find German girls physically repulsive. No I'm not joking.

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  Anonymous wrote:

..you dumb Fuks. Eh I don't undrestand this, I downvote. Yeah fuk you!!

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  Anonymous wrote:

They should move the capital back to Bonn. Probably sucks there too bj
ut at least fewer DDR leeches and govt sponsored "counter culture" antifas. Berlin is hell on earth.

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  Anonymous wrote:

The DDR types are tryi g ti get their head around capitalism and they are struggling, maybe the new generatio will adjust. The problem is, they lived their lives through a system of gi=overnment monolpoly, so tere was no need for customer service because there was no where else to go, and of course they just became so used to rudeness, it eventually became normal to them.

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  Anonymous wrote:

One day in Berlin I was returning form my meditation class and entered the U-Bahn Station. I was in a state of high spirits and must have had a content expression on my face while I looked around at others waiting for the train. I met the eyes of another man and her quickly said to me..."was kuckst Du so blöd"....

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  Anonymous wrote:

What else would expect from someone brain dead from dope and alcohol. They are still living in the 70's and 80's. It's like the wall never came down for them.

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  Anonymous wrote:


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  Anonymous wrote:

ich hasse die Ikea Familien, die nach Alt Treptow einziehen und ehemalige Gärten zerstören lassen, um mit ihrem Frust, ihrem scheissNachwuchs und ihren kaputten Beziehungen unser weitereben im kiez unmöglich machen

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  Anonymous wrote:

Translated: I hate the Ikea families who move in to Old Treptow and destroy former gardens to make our future life in the neighborhood impossible with their frustration, their bad luck and their broken relationships

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  Anonymous wrote:

Yeah bro, let's petition mommy government to ban the nuclear family! The outskirts of Berlin are there for the SMART progressives like us that don't have kids, are too poor to live any more centrally and do our drugs in squalor. Maybe if we piss all over the streets we can drive them away. Maybe if we set their personal property like cars and kinderwagen on fire like they do in Kreuzberg they'll leave!

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  Anonymous wrote:

This retard didnt say bad luck, he said pooping offspring. Probably some antinatalist faggot.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Anti-Family lefties are one day going to be the old drunks you see hanging around the spatis with rotten teeth and sunken faces, getting into fights with the only people who can tolerate them, their drinking buddies.

Did anyone in Berlin ever hear the term "healthy, wealthy and wise", or "nothing replaces family". Grow up you moronic Peter and Peta Pans

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  Anonymous wrote:

Every article on the German version of Wikipedia is unofficially semi-protected. Every single edit on the entire .DE domain has to be approved by one of their moderators. Go ahead and see for yourself. I'm not entirely sure that most large user generated content websites in Germany aren't the same.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Have you seen the size of the new Stasi headquarters in ChauseeStr. Hopefully they have files on every fascist AntiFa thug.

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  Anonymous wrote:

"Hopefully they have files on every fascist AntiFa thug. "
uhm... you know they are SUPPORTING them?

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  Anonymous wrote:

Well spotted, you're right, of course they are. Smoke and mirrors

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  Anonymous wrote:

True Story: Got fired from the 5-Star Swissotel at Kuhdamm after 1 day for apparently being „untalented“. Never seen this before. During buffet times 50-100 guests dining, but nobody there to serve them. The buffet looked disgusting. People were missing utensils. I went into the kitchen, door just 5 feet away, find 20 Berlin fukkers slacking off in there, eating the guests food, another group out on the balcony smoking. Whatever happened there, idk, fuk me, I felt sorry for the guests. After being one of 2-3 people actually going out there fixing things up, taking orders and making the guests feel welcome. The assistant manager picks me up, leads me to her 5m2 office and while walking there smirks and says „no, we dont need you to come back, you dont have a talent for this industry.“

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  Anonymous wrote:

To be clear: I grew up in an oil-rich sunny tourist city. I was a friendly, pleasant kid. Maybe I was a lil stuck up about the quality of everything and should have spent more time also slacking off behind the scenes making allies. But being originally German myself, I could not help but feel embarrassed for the pooping low-class experience they provided.

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  Anonymous wrote:

They dont like employees that can think

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  Anonymous wrote:

It all goes back to the modern Communist roots of Berlin, where everythung was run as state owned monopolies. All business that were as monopolies, like state run telecom and postal services, are the most inefficient, most rude, uncaring and most expensive.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Dude, if you need another job at a similar hotel, pm me. My fiance is one of the upper level chefs at maritim in friedrichstr. Can connect u if u want.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Too untalented for Berlin gastronomy? That's probably the worst insult I have ever heard.

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  Anonymous wrote:

These lies have weakness surely. It's like calling her bluff. "Why is that?" Ok she would evaded it. But you could (possible) said how you feel. "Because I care for the guests? "Because I am fixing things up?! (while others are outside doing nothing) You know what? You are Fu*cking Right!!" Then leave (of course). The thing with saying how you feel is always just about to actually say what you mean to say.

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  Anonymous wrote:

*Or maybe she saw it as a weakness. Really hate people who see kindness as a weakness. (if they really do) but it not change anything how you feel.

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  Anonymous wrote:

*hate when people

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  Anonymous wrote:

Living in kreuzberg since 11 years, and finally i decided to leave. Im sick of sluts coming from all corners of the world, drug dealers, and drunk foreigner fuckers chatting under my window at 4am, disgusted of provincials who brought their superficiality and unoriginality to the city. Berliners are originals, they are really not interested on your opinion,and that's refreshing. Are those hipsters or same equal poop who studie their "originality" down to the milimetre. Boring sht

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  Anonymous wrote:

You just dont have any quality of life. Everything about Berlin works against your mental and physical well-being.

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  Anonymous wrote:

No quality of life... You are absolutely right

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  Anonymous wrote:

If they would at least chat something inviting, that feels open, where you also feel you could join. It doesn't bother if it has a sound of life.

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  Anonymous wrote:

"Berliners are originals, they are really not interested on your opinion,and that's refreshing."
One of the most retarded things I have read on here. Berliners aren't original. They're a throwback to the neanderthal era before niceties like manners and culture and empathy and hygiene were developed. They mistake rudeness for directness and realness for malice. Oh wait, OP is a Berliner himself. Get fucked, kraut.

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  Anonymous wrote:

"Get broken kraut"?! Talking about berliners horrible manners? Man you are an agressive piece of sht! What a joke

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  Anonymous wrote:

I've met enough of you shitboy Berliners to know I don't need to meet anymore. You're all the same exact person. I honestly wish they'd chosen Berlin instead of Hiroshima. Would probably be the only way the rid this city of its perpetual piss stench.

Is this just your identical twin or are you both simulations:

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  Anonymous wrote:

Seems all Berliners are brainwashed to think that "provincials" are inferior, as if somehow growing up in a city where a public urinator is at all times just a stone's throw is somehow better. At least the "provincials" have a sense of community unlike in Berlin where everyone is anonymous and the only random encounter with a stranger you'll have is when someone is when a sad, elderly lady asks for your Pfandflaschen, a crazy schizophrenic in three jackets yells random words at you, a drunk Berliner attacks you with a beer bottle or some other unsavory creep pisses on you from a bridge. Keep your "worldly" and "sophisticated" Berlin, I'd gladly live amongst the "provincials" and go without sex dungeons, drug dealers on every street, exhibitionists in every park.

Even Kurt Tucholsky said recognized how ugly and worthless this city and its inhabitants were a hundred years ago. Read this and think of how much is still valid:

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  Anonymous wrote:

LOL how can you call Berliners refreshing when you're also a Berliner? How could you even know that? Such a dumb post.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Someone posted this below and I finally got around to watching it, Jordan B Peterson really is a genius, I've since watched three other YouTube vids with him and he nails it every time. www.youtube.com/watch

I almost feel sorry for this male-hating sexist Feminist, the way he destroys her rote argumensts is brutal. www.youtube.com/watch He's my new hero.

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  Anonymous wrote:

I've just been reading through the past few dozen pages and I see he's mentioned here a lot and I've sort of fallen down a Peterson rabbit hole on youtube. Maybe it's the same person posting his stuff all the time, I don't really know and it doesn't matter but I found his book 12 Rules was pretty helpful to begin to fix my mindset that had been broken from living in Berlin. I think the interviews like this that are unnecessarily adversarial don't do justice to the guy. The controversy surrounding him honestly seems rather contrived, especially since he's capable of fully articulating his thoughts. I don't really like the gotcha-style interviewing method being used in most of his videos. It seems a lot like what you face here in Berlin (I wrote the comment above about being ambushed with American stereotypes at a party). He ends up repeating himself a lot in the interviews online since he's always put on the defensive about the same exact things.

Anyway, just wanted to say I liked his book, especially the parts about taking care of yourself as if you are someone that you're responsible for and only saying things you know to be true. I like that his simple message is to be responsible and accountable for yourself. I listened to the audiobook around Christmas and it's helped me have a somewhat more positive outlook on life. It's emotionally authentic, which is a breath of fresh air after being here so long. I feel like there's a big problem in Germany with acknowledging emotions and maturely processing them.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Berlin is a sink that attracts people who cant take joy in the gifts of life. I’m currently engaged and looking for a home for my young family near the swiss border. Im happier than ever and almost cant stand the thought of the joy yet to come. Looking back at my Berlin days, wtf was I doing, what were we doing? What are my old friends still doing there? Heading from club to club, house party to house party, edgy fashion/art event to art event, dinner party to dinner party... Then hang around miserably in our lonely spaces, watching netflix, just like all the other 10.000 people on our street, waiting for something to happen. The next diversion, interaction with other lost souls, always carrying the closeted desire to find something or somebody that is better than all of this.

Thing is, I knew Berlin sucked almost as soon as I arrived. Everyone sort of does. I remember everyone around me exhibiting depreciating humor centered around how overhyped Berlin was. And yet, we all came and we all stayed. No wonder this site exists. No nature, no sea, no mountains, no architecture. Just thousands upon thousands of people who just like you have no life. No house, no car, no path. But when all your friends suck as much as you do. When looking good in a mirror and having a cool painting next to it is enough. And when everybody outside of Berlin encourages you to stay, really because you are their Berlin guy. Of course, then, its easy to tell yourself to stay.

I’ve lived in a few big cities most if which were also capital cities. Honestly, im 50/50 about the big city life. But Berlin is pure garbage.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Grest post, really spot on! Especially the part of people outside of berlin encouraging you stay when you try to explain them why it sucks and you eant to leave, because they can't understand it as they only visit from times to times and have a few a good time, a few nights out, etc for which the city is not that bad, but living here is a whole other story

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  Anonymous wrote:

Berlin is popular only because of the free education and the cheap rents that used to exist. It is full of trust-fund babies, students and pseudo artists, who have no life experience, most have no family or friends here, so they rely on the people they meet for companionship, trouble is, they are all lost together, all blind sheep leading each other in a boring circle, and all getting brainwashed by their lefty professors to believe Marxist communist rubbish, yet they all come to a capitalist country from all over the world. Always remember, students are moronic sponges, until they have had at least 5 years of real life expereience after their brainwashing, preferably 10 years.

That is why Berlin is a boring shiiithole, because none of these students have real life experience. They are in for a huge shock, especially when no one will employ them because of their sagging ear lobes, pock holes from past piercings and tattooed necks, they are the future factory workers.

"But hey! it was fun for awhile, constantly drugged-out or piissed to the eyeballs, destroyed teh city with pathetic streeet 'art' (meaning colored in kindergarten fonts) and we did get to burn some cars and beat some family-oriented conservative people up and stop them from speaking freely, but now I'm one of those family people, how embarrasing, I hope no one ever finds out about my Berlin past".

Most of what is important to learn in life, we learn from our immediate and extended family and long-term friends, who will help us back to balance if we stray away, but no one is honest in Berlin, no one is loyal, responsible or trustworthy.

The only regret I have in life, is that I stayed too long in Berlin, trying to break the code, until I finally realized that the code itself is broken.

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  Anonymous wrote:

"The only regret I have in life, is that I stayed too long in Berlin, trying to break the code, until I finally realized that the code itself is broken."

That needs to replace all the postcards and magnets you see in the tourists shops with this idiotic quote by Anneliese Bödecker (whoever the hell that is).

"Die Berliner sind unfreundlich und rücksichtslos, ruppig und rechthaberisch, Berlin ist abstoßend, laut, dreckig und grau, Baustellen und verstopfte Straßen, wo man geht und steht – aber mir tun alle Menschen leid, die nicht hier leben können!"

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  Anonymous wrote:

Very well written and spot on - thank you!

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  Anonymous wrote:

Sorry for this but how the hell did Germany and Japan rebuild themselves after WWII? They're the biggest two losers from that war and yet now they're considered among the most advanced countries on earth. I don't want to believe all this Rothschild, George Soros, Illuminati poop but how else can you explain this shit? Germany should have worse living conditions that Bulgaria but somehow they don't. Doesn't add up, especially when you take the average German into consideration.

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  Anonymous wrote:

"Germany should have worse living conditions that Bulgaria but somehow they don't. "

Due to all the filthy Muslims and rapefugess it is about to happen. in 2030 Germany will be on the same level as Bulgaria or Romania or even worse.

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  Anonymous wrote:

I know Japan owes it's remake to William Edwards Deming, whose quality control ideas were laughed at in his own country the USA, so he took them to Japan, and the rest is history, and now the biggest prize in Japan is the Deming prize. It was quality that saved Japan and propably the same for Germany, people love reliable products. The problem is that now Germany is run by morons who were brainwashed by Marxist Lefty professors with their communist ideas, so I wouldn't bank on Germany being in top for long. My guess is Italy will make a huge comeback and also Poland.

If the the USA pulls businesses out of China, they will flush down the toilet quicker than you can say "one child policy". My guess is a lot of USA businesses will move to India, because tehy speak English and a more compeitive with cheap labour, but unforunately you can't trust Indians, it's in their culture to rip you off. Try doing business with one of them and you will end up in the poor house.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Here's the Wiki William Edwards Deming link en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._Edwards_Deming

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  Anonymous wrote:

They are rich, because after WW2 the world was looking to find out who had the better political ideology, west or east?. They initially wanted to strip Germany of its industrial power and turn it into a farming nation. Most of Germanys industry was surprisingly left intact after WW2 ended. But they decided that it would look bad and play into the hands of communism. So instead they boosted those countries economies.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Germany was reorganized by These countries WHO got a big Piece of These cake...s .yes partly it was rebuild
But at the other Hand not...................i Heard some workers once Telling me a stone and a beer
That is meaningful for These people........Beer means social gatherings........that in this moment is alcohol involved "..."..................they won't say..........and the woman partly rebuild this hole............Stone for stone
Kind of wonderwoman. In a real Kind of sense

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  Anonymous wrote:

I hate when females are testing. Because they are so stupid. They are too stupid to test! They actually communicate the freaking test which means a lack of the genuine thing that YOU NEED to technically human wise reply to it. These dumb freaking females. They think hm lets see how this guy is. I ask him something and they don't even CARE really and obviously it communicates. Then they take the confusion as a verification for their freaking test being not positive. DUMBBBB freaking FEMALESS ( I say that with love)

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  Anonymous wrote:

Test what. Give s more information. If they are dumbasses, they are probably whining Feminist losers who hate men.

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  Anonymous wrote:

This filthy feminist cnt would fit in very nicely in Berlin. Watch Jordan B Peterson totally crush her into oblivion.

Gotta warn you, it's an embarrassment for women as a gender, especially Feminist women, just shows how fcked up they are. Listen to her tone, not that you couldn't, it makes her ideology obvious. 17,345,000 hits so far.


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  Anonymous wrote:

Here's a little simulation for you. Pull up a Brutto Netto Rechner for Germany. Imagine the following:
You earn 3,000 EUR per month.
Including your health insurance contribution your employer is required by law to pay, you earn about 3233 EUR per month.
Solidaritätszuschlag: 23 EUR
Kirchensteuer: 38 EUR
Lohnsteuer: 417 EUR
Rentenversicherung: 279 EUR (BTW you must live 20 years after entering retirement to just break even on this)
Arbeitslosenversicherung: 38 EUR
Krankenversicherung: 464 EUR (the amount you pay plus the amount your employer is forced to pay)
Pflegeversicherung: 53 EUR

At the end of the month you'll receive something like 1900 EUR.

Now imagine you want to buy something with your hard earned money. Let's pretend you're only buying things at the normal VAT tax rate here. You'll probably buy food or books or something else that has the discounted rate, but this is just a simulation.

Your spendable money is now just 1556 EUR

You're effectively being taxed 48% despite the fact that you're basically bottom class.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Well, how else are they going to pay for the BER airport fck-up and the new Stasi headquarters in ChauseeStr, not mention the propaganda bill for political correct spin on immigration and feminist anti-male insanity.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Isn't the BER airport just another obvious economic stimulus package ever concieved for Berlin? Kind of like how they dig up the asphalt on every street once every 18 months (at least).

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  Anonymous wrote:

YOU are paying for all the refusees, invaders, et al, those - who who have NOTHING TO OFFER and will sign-on upon arrival in Germany - but that's what you want - isn't it ? Multi-Kulti?

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  Anonymous wrote:

From the Vaclav Klaus Institute (and where I think this place is at):

'Migration and the climate remain the key topics of the domestic political discussion in Germany. In both cases, the ruling elites, under the pressure of the green extremists, are getting dramatically radicalized, as the example of the Bavarian PM Söder shows. The worshiping of the deluded Swede, proposals for a carbon tax and a higher tax for meat are new examples of this neverending story of the hysterization of the German elites, so skillful merchants of fear in front of whom the Germans love to surrender so much. The government has rejected the meat tax, it's true, but it seems to be the old ritual from the recent years in German politics: the Greens propose something, the CDU seemingly rejects it, but it simultaneously starts to prepare changes that enable the codification of these proposals a little bit later.

In the far left German press – in whose opinion not even the Greens are sufficiently fanatical – we may read about even more horrifying proposals, e.g. the "radical restriction of freedoms" or "the establishing of the ecological Gulag". It is obvious that, abusing the comfort of the many-years-long fight against the Right and partially shielded by the SPD, Greens, and the Left (Linke), new forces emerged and started to thrive in Germany, forces that are no longer hiding their desire to liquidate democracy in Germany and to establish a hardcore green terror instead.'

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  Anonymous wrote:

The reason the Left took on the Green issues, is because since the Pill, we have had two income families, which means lots of money in each household, which has lulled working-class people into thinking they are middle-class, because they drink lattes etc. So the Left needed a new platform to stand on and decided to hijack the green movement. But most people don't buy their apocalyptical doomsaying, that they use to implement more taxes to spend on their Marxist ideological propaganda. Filthy far-left cnts, what we need is an antidote to leftist AniFa thugs, and stealthily fight fire with fire. .

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  Anonymous wrote:

My advice is to draw a firm line in the sand and get out of here when that line is crossed. Whatever it is that you hold dear, draw the line and don't compromise. Incrementalism makes radical shifts over a few years difficult to recognize and I am seriously concerned that Germany five years from now won't resemble Germany from five years ago.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Yes, I agree, it's the boiling frog trick, when the frogs don't noctice the incremental changes in temperature.

Here's the thung. Left-wing radicals are brainwashed sheep,who have had no real world expereinec and when reality hits they will try to distance themselves from their Facebook, Twiter and Instagram etc etc etc etc.

What should be taught to young men is Jordan B Peterson interviews with Feminists, starting here. www.youtube.com/watch

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  Anonymous wrote:

'Incrementalism makes radical shifts over a few years difficult to recognize and I am seriously concerned that Germany five years from now won't resemble Germany from five years ago.'

That's what I'm afraid of. Recent developments in Germany are troubling indeed.

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