
There are plenty of reasons to despise this filth ridden city. What bothers you most?

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  Anonymous wrote:

Oh here he is..Berlinhaters very own Casper David Friedric "Our Wanderer above the sea of fog" 1818. Thank you for your esoteric moral fiber. Now please go and inspect your morning bowl movement for a glimmer of original thought. Damn..only a piece of last nights bio corn. Anyway back up that mountain mate..and get mum to pack a sandwich for you for your brave hike up that virgin German nature. fornicate me..A heard of cows and slag heaps..and a duck!

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  FCKU2 wrote:

Well good journey, to all those haters. We really need you here to make a change... but unfortunately you do not want to stay. It is so easy to see bad things. I am proud of our public safty, free press, leftist ideas in politics, the best democracy, best football, best beer, best bread, safe buildings, good health care, a great start up scene, many openminded people who are not proud of beeing german and do not love wars or walls or borders and nations. There are problems like drugs, dirt, more crime than in the rest of the nation but still nothing compared to other metropolitan areas of the world. Maybe the haters here did not manage to find the good people among those party people. You can give it a chance or give it up. Keep on running. While there a mostly americans writing here - i hate the american way of life to destroy nature, those dumb movies, your racist and nazi-groups, exploid the planet, make secret wars, destabilize other countries, invade other countries, exploid other countries under the flag of bringing justic or the insane american democracy. Get back, if you like that better.

17 of 17 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

This is the most German comment I've ever seen.

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  Anonymous wrote:

way to be deluded.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Good health care? As evident in the higher death rate due to cancer despite having a lower rate of cancer (i.e. people dying waiting to see specialists).

5 of 6 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

your condescending way of talking shows perfectly your german nature. Always ready to say that they "know", they have the "best" things, they are the most "democratic". Not that I like the USA either, but at least there's plenty of people who don't take themselves too seriously and have some irony about their problems. Yes, we are mostly trying to leave the country. Hopefully all the immigrants will do, so your country can wither away and don't fornicate up the rest of europe like until now. If you thought you could enlighten anybody with your comment, you're in the wrong place mate.

14 of 17 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

racist and nazi-groups, exploid the planet, make secret wars, destabilize other countries, invade other countries, exploid other countries under the flag of bringing justic or the insane american democracy. Get back, if you like that better. "

>there is no freedom in Germany
>there is no free speech in Germany (go deny the Holocaust and see what happens)
>there is no democracy in Germany (allies knew you were too dumb for a direct democracy, so they forced upon you a constitution, as well as a retarded ruling system)
>free press is a joke in Germany.
>the best beer is Czech, you dumb Krautcuck
>good healthcare...lmao, your doctors may have fancy equipment. That doesn't make them good.
>Americans didn't kill six million Jews and caused two world wars that resulted in the deaths of millions of people. By the way, Fritz, realize that war is not something you're good at.

You German fagg*ts are just eternally butthurt at the fact that America is 1 million times the country you'll never be. Americans are basically what Germans wish they were, but can never become. Enjoy your refugees, Krautcuckold.

7 of 7 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

@FCKU2 your comment is exactly the typical german discourse that has been criticized on this forum: collectivist, nationalist, ( we have, we are), populistic( beer, football), humourless, and antiamerican (envy). And forget your left side, it's a joke - you may have hartz4, but you have racism built into your language and attitude (auslander=rauslander) - and no I'm not american, don't turn it into a simplistic us hater vd germans just because you can't imagine that english is the main language of communication for all nations at the moment.

4 of 9 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

I always lose it when Germans talk about freedom and democracy. I'm sorry, Hans, but a colony of the GOAT country, the USA, can never be a free country. Good luck buying guns, speaking your mind, homeschooling children, developing a personality of your own...good luck trying to be free.

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  Anonymous wrote:

A great startup scene... pffthahah come off it Hans.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Take it easy folks, this looks like a troll. Yes, people like this exist in Berlin, but I doubt they have the mental capacity to use the internet. Their english is too good (notice how germans don't capitalize words correctly and only use the simplest possible words and phrases), so nothing to see here, don't waste your energy replying to this pseudo-local.

2 of 2 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Germans hate borders and walls? Good one. Ask virtually any East German about the wall and prepare to endure an hour of pinning ostalgia for the 1980's. Or do you mean the open borders to the surrounding first-world countries? And the thousands of kilometers of other EU countries which effectively buffered refugees until recently? Which is currently suspended along the Germany-Austria border.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Great startup scene??!!? Bunch of unprofessional, racist, sexist crap =Berlin startups

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  Anonymous wrote:

Ahemmm, "Public Safety "????????????? You gotta be joking ???
" Free Press "?????????????? You gotta be joking ??
" Democracy "????????? You gotta be joking ??
and the best one "Open minded people " ????? Wow~:):):) i think , one of the things i truely learnt here ,,was that saying you are open minded , identifying to yourself and your social media site as being openminded ,hanging out with another bunch of goons who prop up the same lie ,al patting yourselves on the back at how incredibly openminded you are,inf act even the use of the word and the obsession with it ,shows how " unopenminded " the people here are , real openminded people ,probably dont even realise this is one of their traits ,they are too busy living a normal life ,and already have an identity ,so have no need to create one !!! It reminds me of that old Eminem song " i am whatever i say i am " ,only in truth ,no you are not whatever you say you are ,i could wear a Santa Claus hat all day long but that dont make me Santa ,people here believing if you say something enough it willl make it true ?? Nahhh ,sorry ,life doesnt work like that ,only children and underdeveloped adults believe they can shapeshift and be whatever they like the idea of ,in children its cute and funny,in an adult ,its sad ,pathetic ,disturbing and shows massive lack of personal growth and development Must say im not surprised by the delusion factor shown here tho ,iv grown to accept this self deception as the norm in Berlin !

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  Anonymous wrote:

You know whats funny?? Every single post i read here,says something ,i agree with and can relate with..thats interesting because in this city.the "groupthink"leaves you feeling 1000per cent isolated..yet when i read everything here,i see so many opinions ,from people i have never met,from countries i have never been to,and it makes me remember,that there are some normal,healthy,happy ,intelligent,balanced humans in this universe(thank god!!)...only not enough in Berlin!!:)

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  Anonymous wrote:

I was speaking to a Polish/Italian girl who was born & raised here. She is studying to be a lawyer and told me that in Germany, the higher positions in law, police, government, and so on, are all only for ethnic Germans. That for an immigrant it's almost impossible to be promoted to such positions, or to be given those opportunities. She said Germans want immigrants to just do low level jobs, and not aspire to be anything more than basically 2nd class citizens. She said that as a foreigner, someone without German citizenship and so on, I'm even 3rd class, and Germans will always see you that way. No matter how talented you are, no matter how smart you are, no matter how much you may want to "integrate", no matter what you have to offer to this country - it is not appreciated and in fact, they resent you for being better than them. This is the kind of thing you won't hear about from Germans, because they're either oblivious to it and/or in denial, and the silly western "expats" living their escapist fantasy lifestyle here are too stupid , unambitious and/or lack self-awareness to see it, the refugees and poor immigrants are too desperate to care, etc. So to have this kind of 'real' convo with someone-- you need to speak to someone born & raised here who isn't German and has a brain - they'll tell you the true colors of this city and country. Leaving this city in summer and I cannot wait to escape.

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  Anonymous wrote:

I have been living in Germany for almost a decade and I can confirm that what your acquaintance stated is true.
In typical passive-aggressive German fashion, they will let you immigrate and stay here, but they won't make it easy to become friends with them (unless you have something to offer, such as status increase or a nice place to stay at if they ever visit your country), nor allow you to get access to the better-paid jobs.
It takes a foreigner in the US less hard work to be succesful and for their children to belong to a better social status than in Germany. Germans like to talk about the "Bildungserfolg" (success in education) of Asians in Germany, yet I have NEVER seen an Asian person in a position of power or prestige. They usually work in their nail saloons or restaurants.

It's not about education either. You can have degrees from top universities from abroad or even from Germany and still, having the wrong name or the wrong looks will be detrimental to your wish of getting a good job.

This is not a country I'd want to raise children in, if I were a black or brown or Asian person. They'll be discriminated upon, mocked, laughed at and not because of how they behave, but because of their race. Even eastern Europeans have it hard, and they are "whiter" than Germans. Not to mention better-looking (especially the females).

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  Anonymous wrote:

That's not entirely true. There are also doctors, IT engineers, uni researchers, economists etc. with foreign background which don’t have a necessarily a voice. Unfortunately in the media you always get to hear about some auslander with low income, portrayed as second class citizens, because there are in the spotlight when some kind of bad things happen and also because the intention is to keep it that way. Someone said about law and government, I imagine it would be difficult in any country to get to have an important position where you don't have connections just your good diplomas.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Shut the hell up Fritz.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Th USA elected Obama as president, a biracial man with a Kenyan father - so no, you are wrong, that it's like this in every country. Typical German in denial.

2 of 2 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

The original post here is right on the money, absolutely rock solid observation.

8 of 8 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

This is the truth:

"No matter how talented you are, no matter how smart you are, no matter how much you may want to "integrate", no matter what you have to offer to this country - it is not appreciated and in fact, they resent you for being better than them"

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  Anonymous wrote:

A friend of mine got hit by the door a parked car, while cycling on a street with no bike lanes. The driver ( german,old ) didn’t check if the road was clear, so it was obviously his fault. After he apologized, he asked for the nr. and adress of my friend, to get back to her after the hospital visit, to check if she’s ok. Luckily it was only some minor hand injury. After a couple of days, she didn’t receive any phone calls, but a letter, where the costs of the car damage were listed, that she was urged to pay in x days. The guy took an opportunity to suck money out of the victim, because she didn’t look german and capable to handle a legal situation. Not a nice episode.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Christ. Hope she didn't pay.

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  Anonymous wrote:

That's a horrible situation to get into. She needs to find an English speaking lawyer inexpensive lawyer to send him back a threatening legal letter.That's how you handle these soulless bureaucrats. Maybe she can start a go fund me and raise 100-200 euros to pay the lawyer.

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  Anonymous wrote:

No, she didn’t pay. Some acquaintance jumped in for help by sending a legal letter as a response pro bono. Unfortunately not everyone has acces to that. My point is that, of course, there are bad intentions everywhere, but people should please stop calling this city international!

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  Anonymous wrote:

Berlin..where smiling with a genuine reason..laughing from the heart,sharing true positive vibes that dont include a description about "you"...where being relaxed and carefree,all are forbidden qualities,which may result in you being hated,outcast,thrown aside,in a nutshell ,watch out when you feel happy ,relaxed,at ease here,for each of these crimes makes you an enemy of the state!!

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  Anonymous wrote:

I have been persecuted for this so often, it has nearly died in me.

4 of 4 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

The only people that smile here are tourists.

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  Anonymous wrote:

I love this site. It would be nice if we could post pictures of what we hate in Berlin as well.

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  Anonymous wrote:

If you want to send us the images, we will add them to the background.
Further develoments to come as we have time.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Let me tell you a story that sums up Berliners and their Ossie/Communist/monopolist way of thinking. This should have been a sign all those years ago to get the F out of here, but at least I didn't marry and/or get one of them pregnant. Here it is, word for word true. .

I went into an alternative video store and asked the guy how the system worked and he said "Pick a cover and bring it here and I'll get the movie for you". I went about my business and picked a movie cover, took it to him and he looked in a drawer and said it was rented out. I asked why he doesn't have a system that let's people know if the movie is out, like putting a card in the cover when it's put back on the shelf, he said "there's no need for that, this problem hardly ever arises". So I went back with another movie and guess what, that's right, it's already rented. I said, "that's two movies and you said that it rarely happens, can't you see that my system would save you time and also you customers", he said "You're the only one who has complained, the system works fine, I've been doing it this way for years". I of course was astonished.

I searched again and found another movie I wanted to see, went to the counter, and without a word of a lie, the same thing again. He didn't even look sheepish. I said "you're telling me that this occurrence is very rare and no one has ever complained before, are you joking", he said, the only reason I don't throw you out of the shop is because I want to practice my English, I thought, OK, that's a snappy answer, but guess what, I never went back there again, and warned everyone about this absolute moron, so If I averaged 1 movie per week, over 5 years, that's 250 rentals he missed out on for being stupid stubborn Berliner cnt..

I think communism affected their mental capabilities and they've passed it on to their children. F ing imbeciles.

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  Anonymous wrote:

haha what a retard.

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  Anonymous wrote:

This really seems like a minor problem to be honest.

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  Anonymous wrote:

in true german fashion, he was arrogantly sure that "he knows better". Good thing most of the world hates germany.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Maybe a minor problem but tell-tale of the same issues in every aspect of the society

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  Anonymous wrote:

They are very reluctant to change, even that would be an improvement. That is indeed a mixture of german (stuck to their rules) and communist mentality.

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  Anonymous wrote:

It might be classed under 'minor incident', but this is one in hundreds, every f'ing year with these imbeciles. Like the first time I went to the Auslanderbehorder to extend my tourist visa and there was no one who could or was willing to speak English.

The cafe who has a vegan option sometimes, but I can't tell you on what days, just when we decide to make it. So I stopped going there after two attempts that were the wrong days for me. I asked why they don't have a set day for having a vegan dish and was told, because we don't know which day we are going to make it. and on and o and on it goes. This is what they were used to in communist times and they don't think anything of it.

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  Anonymous wrote:

I'm getting tired of this website - no new ideas or good writing

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  Anonymous wrote:

You came to this website expecting to see posts worth of a Nobel in literature or a Pulitzer? african american really?

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  Anonymous wrote:

If you are so tired, then instead of complaining write something creative. You just wasted space loser. Go entertain your superior lazy self elsewhere. Here we female dog and moan strictly about Berlin.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Is it legal here for people on motorcycles to speed?

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  Anonymous wrote:

not really buy funnily enough motorcycles only have license plates on the back and speed cameras only take pictures of the front so I guess that is likr saying, "go ahead and speed if you like"

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  Anonymous wrote:

Resetting your debit card pin at Lloyds in the UK: 30 minutes
Resetting your debit card pin at Deutsche Bank in DE: 5-10 business days.

Does everything have to be so hard and slow?

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  Anonymous wrote:

Not to "rub it in", but here in the States it only takes about 3 minutes over the phone to reset a PIN. Honestly, I would suffer an emotional meltdown if I had to live in Germany.

3 of 3 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Transfering money from account to account in the US, 10 seconds max... Germany, three to five days for an electronic transaction... slow computers or just nonsense?

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  Anonymous wrote:

To all the people on this site, and especially the founders, you are my f uckng heroes. You are the best i swear. Without you I would have killed someone or myself months ago. I am trying hard to escape from this pooping country. You are not alone.

4 of 4 people agree with this  
  Anonymous wrote:

Amen to that, brother. Hope you can get out of this place soon. I'm out in 2 months. At least the winter is over, it's easier to survive when this old bog gets some sunshine.

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  Anonymous wrote:

I hate it when you try to work at home while your loser unemployed neighbor girl laughs like a horse for hours. She later complains about you to the landlord for being too loud on the weekend. I cannot wait for her parents and government to stop funding her butt so she can move out already.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Don't worry, they have no marketable skills. They believe knowing obscure records and double dropping substances brewed in their vegan friend's bathtub is the epitome of the human existence.

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  Anonymous wrote:

The funding will never stop - she is of superior german stock, unlike you, lowly foreigner. Additionally, she knows her way around the bureaucratic maze and since she's unemployed, she has all the time in the world to ensure that your taxes go to her benefits and retirement accounts.

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  Anonymous wrote:

that's what so aggravating about Germans. They think that not working for them is alright but if a foreigner is unemployed, he is wasting Germany's precious social welfare. The people here can claim burn out from work and get 3-6 months fully paid vacation.

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  Fartkingdom wrote:


the "diverse" and "tolerant" berlin. This place is complete utter shit. They should have obliterated it after the fall of the wall.

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  Anonymous wrote:

likely given the MO the perp is a 'refugee' which will be swept under the rug disfigured women be damned, what excitement a female tourist in Berlin can look forward too!

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  Anonymous wrote:

I doubt it that it's a refugee. I think it's a hateful Berliner who could not get laid for years so now he is on a mission to make the women here look even uglier.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Probably a miserable cuck like the nazi that peed on that girl last year.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Refugees and non-Europeans in general aren't obsessed with saving the environment, like left-wing Germans are. When your own nation didn't lose two worldwars and didn't want to kill entire races of people you don't feel the need to be an idealist with a fake sense of superiority who only eats vegan stuff and drives to work on his bike.

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  Anonymous wrote:

Had an interesting observation about Berlin today. It's kind of an inverted Las Vegas, if you think about it. Las Vegas is a city forged in the desert (interpret the symbolism of that on your own), named "Sin City", where people go there to openly and boldly commit sin. It is the only place in the USA where prostitution is legal. It's fakeness, emptiness, cheesiness, gaudiness, corruption, decadence, sin... all of this is so in your face, that it's like a cartoon. Berlin is an "inverted' version of Las Vegas... where there is no gaudy tackiness, everything is grey and drab, concrete and glass. Yet there is this same exact emptiness, corruption and culture of decadent sin in Berlin, yet the difference is Berlin likes to moralize... to other countries, the rest of Germany, the rest of Europe, the UK, USA, Russia, Turks, other nationalities, other parts of the world. Constant hand wringing, moralizing, all of these fake political activists, this fake concern for refugees and for the 3rd world... just look at Berlin's homeless and ask yourselves how/why these people think they can solve the 3rd world's problems when they can't even take care of the mentally ill elderly homeless all over Berlin. So Berlin is like Las Vegas in that it’s an empty, shallow city build on decadence, sin, corruption except Las Vegas is honest about it, not hypocritical and you can have fun there and leave- whereas in Berlin, you get sucked into the lies about Berlin’s arts culture (the arts scene here is a joke), “freedom” (just the freedom to be a loser with no common sense or morals, really), it’s quality of life (yes it is still cheaper than other cities but the salaries are also bad), and so on. Go to Berlin if you want a longer European Las Vegas experience where you can escape from yourself and from life, but this ‘escape’ will not last forever, and one day you have to face truth. I see it everyday in Berlin. Washed up people, looking like ghosts more than people, walking around with this glazed over look in their eyes- they had their time “escaping” in Berlin and now they are walking around as zombies. Too afraid to kill themselves either, but having nothing to live for— no joy, no love, none of those things. That is why they have to drink cheap liquor at 9 in the morning on the U-Bahn, scowling, spitting onto the streets.

I live in Prenzlauer Berg and generally stay in this area because I can’t deal with NK, Kreuzberg or Mitte (all revolting to me in different ways), but PB is barely tolerable. So “family friendly”… not. Ask these people toting around babies and kids in bicycles if they’re married, come back 5 years later and ask if they’re still together. Germans nonchalant approach to divorce and breaking up families is disturbing to me- they think it has no consequences yet like 60-70% of Germans I meet have divorced or never married parents, and coincidentally about that same % are messed up. It’s like having kids is this new fashion so people have them and carry them around like dolls. There is no real sense of family values, or community values, or any of those things that children need to truly thrive. This is certainly no place where I would raise a child.

And as a woman I’m going to say nothing is more sad than the “alternative” Berlin women when they get older- made so many bad choices, selecting so many men completely inappropriate to be long-term partners, who knows how many STDs or abortions they’ve had over the years, had pointless open relationships and casual sex, ruining themselves mentally and emotionally. All of this stuff seems fun and consequence free when you are 23, but it catches up to you hard and fast as you enter your 30s. The men are hardly any less pathetic when they age- so many mentally, emotionally dysfunctional passive aggressive men with mommy issues, in their 30s, thinking they are still young when they are approaching middle age, drinking club mate and walking around with this fearful but angry look in their eyes.

In short - Berlin will give you a fear years of decadent fun, escapism, in exchange for a broken mind and broken soul. I think there are some exceptions, maybe some German people who live in the outskirts of Berlin are okay, but in general this is a place to stay away from.

Just my thoughts. And yes I am planning to leave by summer.

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  Anonymous wrote:

A man in his 30's is still young. Hell, I've seen men in their 40's who look great. Age is just a number.

But other than that, your comment is spot-on.

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  Anonymous wrote:

You nailed it.

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  Anonymous wrote:

OP here - I never said 30s was old. I said it's not the same thing as being in your early 20s. After a certain age, like maybe at 33, you should consider growing up/evolving a bit. Which many in Berlin don't do. And only a minority of men actually look great in their 40s, and even if they do, so what? They are still in their 40s and shouldn't be acting 25 years old. It just becomes pathetic.

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